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About SmileTheory

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  1. So since the low pass filter I left in a pull request to prboom wasn't well received (see https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/106866-prboomumapinfo-v-2517/?do=findComment&comment=2262934 ), I've gotten a little curious. Inside this zip file are three shotgun sounds. Please listen to them, and then answer the questions in the poll. I need fresh ears, because I've been listening to these sounds for long enough that I no longer trust my own ears. :) Also, please listen with your own ears, not with a spectrograph. :) Also also, posting this as its own topic, as it seems sort of off-topic, and the last time I posted an "I am curious" question no-one answered. :) shot.zip
  2. I'm curious, what happens if you open cmd.exe and go: cd <whereever crispy doom 5.10.0 is> set SDL_RENDER_DRIVER=opengl crispy-doom.exe
  3. So here's a quick update, download here. Added zandronum, zdaemon, and odamex to the list of executables. As well, if do95 doesn't find an appropriate executable, now it'll just ask with a file dialog. Changed the pwad file browser to allow multiple files to be selected. Selecting from the combobox still only selects one, though. This is mostly a workaround to avoid making a whole new widget. Fixed finding savegames for chocolate doom and crispy doom on linux. Probably a couple other small things, I forget.
  4. From the "if I don't release this now it'll just sit on my hard drive forever" department. So, this is yet another Doom launcher, styled to resemble (half of) the old Doom95 launch dialog. It's written in pure tcl/tk, so it should run on any modern Windows machine, and probably Linux, though I haven't really tested there much. It's designed to be config file free, automatically detecting Steam installs of Doom/Doom 2/Final Doom and using whatever source port it finds itself installed alongside. v0.0.2-alpha release here github here
  5. So I started learning tcl/tk. I think I have about half a launcher. :)
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