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About Aeddes666

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  1. With Lost in Darkness (after nearly 30 years, got bored with vanilla gameplay. And i really like horror/suspense).
  2. Is possible to add an "unload" function? Similar to the pump action on shotgun?
  3. The problem isn't the saves, is you not wanting to take damage. Think about it. Edit. Not saving/loading will solve the symptom, but not the cause.
  4. Also, an old Genesis game called "The Immortal".
  5. No game is scary enough. But the first Silent Hill got me impressed. Just a bit...
  6. I use this. Not ideal, but SMM can tank CyberD on a 1vs1.
  7. Ahh, for just one video, just link the video. I thought he want more than one video on same link. My bad (and sry for bad english).
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