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About Stopsignal

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  1. oh hi it's just been a few years that's all I've been too busy making little games! This is my latest one, if you wanna try! But at least i bring unused stuff, the Pigman!!! With sounds and everything to be basically a ready to use player skin. With sounds from Freesounds, i think. A few years have passed, but i usually got stuff from there, with copyright "0", so there are no problems. There are also some PSDs with the files i used to make the skin, i think. If there is something else, oops. Didn't check. Anyways, remember i use the Timeline function of photoshop! Otherwise you'll just see a ton of layers. If someone makes him an enemy, i imagine him as a "super shotgun" shotgunner. More life, maybe faster? But slow to fire. Though he isn't as hellish looking. Made it as a personal skin, he is an OC of sorts. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JmkVE0h2hlRjExcQFz63-FzqL7OdsTRY/view?usp=sharing And now, the Abutor!!! ...i didn't do any new frames at all for this dude either, but well, at least one rotation's animations are done (though no death!), maybe he can be used as a boss of sorts? It has two attacks, IIRC. One was an archvile attack, (the counting), while the other one was delayed "teleport towards you in a straight line and damage you if you are not behind a wall" kinda deal. Then it had a normal melee attack. The idea for the character was to zone you hard. No idea how well it would play. Again, remember, it has no death! Maybe give it some kind of "contra" style death, where it has lots of explosions and then explodes completely? That may be too goofy, hahahah. Maybe use the rotations to separate parts of it, so he gets stunned, starts vibrating and chunks fly around. Remember, it's a big monster, it needs a cool death! I remember fighting to make this dude kind of fit with Doom's pallette, though maybe you'll find he is good as is. Who knows! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TtJ1kU0uEESgnl8XBMnrZBfSdtt3gcus/view?usp=sharing
  2. HEY You have a discord account? I need your help on the doom sprites.

  3. Yes!! I wish my first spriting projects looked as good. Keep at it, you seem to have a knack for it already 👉👉
  4. Thanks y'all! and gracias che! ',;) Here, a joke that got too far! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bwmnxYHOuA_5VdvVGz5PuS3hTd8L_vm4/view?usp=sharing
  5. highly important work being done here edit: using the pistol from the shooting satyr spritesheet, which is from the pistol zombieman, can't find the credit
  6. Thanks, pal!! People still can download them individually, of course! I'm just happy to see my work get around from time to time.
  7. Thank you so much! I'm hoping to continue the Thing-esque things, i got an idea with a medpack- however not gonna promise anything ever, hahahaha Pigman's finished, mostly. Still needs an XDeath animation, but apart from that it's completely done. I'm apprehensive about posting it- it's gonna be the main character of a project i want to do way down the line. However, if you wanna use it in something, *ask me!*. I mean, really, i just do it like this to more or less control how much it of it's out there, for now at least, hahahaha. What i can leave for now is an Armored Grin! Why? I don't know! I did it as a temporary skin for a mod which actually used the monster, so i needed to differentiate. The thing was never really used, sadly, but the sprites are still here. Check em out! http://www.mediafire.com/file/h1rh4rpasht5niw/grinarmor.rar/file I made it in a few hours so it ain't the most polished thing up here, but hey, it's a variation! No laughing frames for it for now, though. Still waiting for that ever escaping Free Time With Some Inspiration to continue working on my sprites and mod. It's complicated when class and work have you drawing and coding. Mostly end up using the free time to play games. Gotta rest somehow, huh?
  8. https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/103544-cacowards-2019-mentionation-thread/?page=10&tab=comments#comment-2041072

    gracias por mencionarme, deberías mostrar tus creaciones en esta pagina, estoy seguro que serian muy bien apreciados

    1. Stopsignal


      Tanto tiempo, che! Debería, estoy pensando en copiar el hilo que tengo en el foro de Zoom y ponerlo acá, para mostrar más viste. Ya veremos!


      Tranqui, hiciste un trabajo increíble, me viene obligado a mencionarte jajajaja

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