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    bobstremglav reacted to MS-06FZ Zaku II Kai for a status update, Hey man, you doin ok?   
    Hey man, you doin ok?
  2. Like
    bobstremglav reacted to The_SloVinator for a status update, I know you haven't been active in a long time but I wish you the best & I hope yo   
    I know you haven't been active in a long time but I wish you the best & I hope you are doing well.
    TNT Goes Boom has been kind of slow lately due to irl stuff & other interests I'm currently pursuing but nonetheless, the progress is being made.
    Would love to thank you again for the things you made for my megawad. <3
  3. Like
    bobstremglav reacted to xdude_gamer for a status update, Hey man it's been awhile. Hopefully you're doing well! Hope to see you one of these d   
    Hey man it's been awhile. Hopefully you're doing well! Hope to see you one of these days. Kind regards.
  4. Like
    bobstremglav reacted to Jello for a status update, Hope you're doing okay. I know we're not really familiar with each other, but you see   
    Hope you're doing okay. I know we're not really familiar with each other, but you seem like a good person. I really hope things are okay, and I honestly give you my best wishes, and that's all I have to give.
  5. Like
    bobstremglav reacted to VoanHead for a status update, It’s almost been a full year since you’ve last been here, I hope you’re doing alright   
    It’s almost been a full year since you’ve last been here, I hope you’re doing alright. Some of your posts have been really helpful when I was hunting down to look for some wads, and tbh I really liked the status bar you made for Hellevator. I hope you return here again someday!
  6. Like
    bobstremglav reacted to Steve D for a status update, Hey, P4, allow me to join those who wish you well and hope all is okay with you and y   
    Hey, P4, allow me to join those who wish you well and hope all is okay with you and yours. Also, here's hoping you rejoin us at some point. Always enjoyed reading your posts. :)
  7. Like
    bobstremglav reacted to TheMightyWhoosh for a status update, Hope you’re well mate! Miss ya!   
    Hope you’re well mate! Miss ya! 
  8. Like
    bobstremglav reacted to Biodegradable for a status update, Miss your positive outlook around here, mate. Hope you're doing well wherever you are   
    Miss your positive outlook around here, mate. Hope you're doing well wherever you are.
  9. Like
    bobstremglav reacted to Astar for a status update, Damn, why are they so hot   
    Damn, why are they so hot

  10. Like
    bobstremglav reacted to Merry Widow for a status update, I really like the people here.   
    I really like the people here.
  11. Like
    bobstremglav reacted to DevilMyEyes for a status update, Today's my birthday...I'm 17 years old now, yay! I guess. lol   
    Today's my birthday...I'm 17 years old now,
    yay! I guess. lol
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