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Everything posted by rtpHarry

  1. Wow! This has been an amazing was to play through. I played zone 400 recently and found it to be a bit boring with the level design being a tad too restricted. I decided to play this because it was the dwmegawad club nominated wad of the month and it was a pleasant surprise. Feel like I should have played the first two now... Anyway I'm posting on here instead of the dwmegawad club thread as I wanted to show a few times that I broke the levels. In this level I did a flying jump into this area to see if there was a secret behind the lava fall, and instead fell into the caco pit: In this level there is an invisible barrier stopping you venturing too far out into the lava from the level start position. Later on, if you do a few creative hops off the top, onto the pyramid, and then down from where I'm standing, I got into the lava area, and couldn't get out again because I was blocked by the barrier: Other than that, it was a great experience to play through!
  2. Seems I have a short memory as I just discovered this again, but now it won't even load up at all on gzDoom 4.7.0 on macOS. As soon as its finished going through the boot screen, it crashes straight out with:
  3. One more reply as I forgot to tick notify me of replies on the first post and its not there when I press edit.
  4. Just finished playing, got to level 12, ran into a dead end and realised I was playing a demo haha. This was a great map pack. I enjoyed it and it kept my attention all the way through. Unless I missed it, the eyes in the wall on an early level, with a lift on each side of the street and the red card behind the opposite door. Was this a secret? If not, it was kind of strange. I found a few bugs during the playthrough - one is the hole in the crates which is screenshotted above me. On the first level, the blue key door opens without needing the blue key, as you can see in this shot, it's midway open and I don't have they key in my inventory: On two levels I managed to get stuck behind some crates: The hell screenshot / pink floor - the door texture is fixed so it just dissolves as you can see in the shot: The fences all around this section are non-clipping: As for the jumping out the train window, I played the arrow version so I never got a chance to see if I would have figured it out, however, having to use arrows is generally the sign of a bad design. I would personally have this damaged or something to make it obvious you can get out. I never found out how to get to that blue card behind the tv. I liked the fast opening, automatic, two column doors (around level 10). It's simple but not something I have seen before. It was a bit clunky with the rooftops on the last map (12?) with the invisible blocking walls. It needs some small walls or something to show that you can't drop off from that side. Then unblock that section because it just ended up with all the lost souls bouncing off the invisible wall and I just stood there on the rooftop and blasted them all without them being able to reach me. There was another invisible wall which broke immersion for me, it was like an S walkway with small fences. Blue armor on one side, but the other side was some kind of secret I guess? I didn't find it in the end, but for a minute I thought aha I just run and jump off the lift. But I bounced off a blocking wall. Also the lift into and out of that section - are they intentionally linked? Moving over the one I was talking about kept making the entrance elevator go up and down as well. Let me know if anything isn't clear and I'll track it down for some better screenshots / details.
  5. Yeah I think I am :) I was expecting to find something on the 1st for the playthrough club and then wondered if maybe it wasn't done every month. I'll just keep an eye out for it. This endurance one looks fun but more time than I have to play in one go.
  6. I just heard about the DW Map Club in the middle of last month and had a reminder to come back to check it out. Is this challenge instead of the map club this month? Or is that still to come?
  7. Keep getting crashes on gzdoom v4.5.0 on a Mac. It crashed once on the first level, and now I'm part way through the second level and stuck. The last save game I have is about 5 seconds before the game crashes and every time I reload it crashes out again. Here is the crashlog if it helps at all:
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