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About Alaux

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  1. Don't worry, we got something already. Now it's just a matter of sorting it out. Thanks! @fabian, thoughts? Could it be related to this recent change?
  2. I'm not sure, but what I do know is that normal (non-ASan) builds won't output the info that I need; ceski's build is special, so to speak.
  3. @CacoKnight @Deil @Foxstiel @Lila Feuer @Robo_Cola @Rymante @Siglev That's a lot of mentions... anyways: I already forgot which OS's you're using, but if any of you is using Windows 10/11 x64, please try this build; it may just be the key to helping me solve this crash. To clarify: when the game crashes, a log should be generated. Said log is what I need to track down the crash, so please send them over as soon as you get them.
  4. You mean that the screen melted and you got to see the intermission screen, and it crashed before showing the stats?
  5. @Foxstiel @Lila Feuer could you download and use the autobuild mentioned in this post? I'm not sure if it fixes the crashes, but at least @Rymante -- the only one whom as far as I remember has used that build -- hasn't reported crashes with it.
  6. Excuse me @ceski, is it viable for you to make an ASan build for others to use?
  7. Sorry, but this is a bit unclear to me. I'll repeat myself for clarity: it seems that this crash only happens the first time you exit a level since you launched the game, regardless of which level in the WAD that is. So, did the game crash for you after having exited other levels successfully in the same session? Again, a session in this context goes from when you launch the game (that is, nugget-doom.exe) to when you close it.
  8. Doom's original aspect ratio is 4:3, and 5:4 is thinner than that, which makes it not as easy to support. The Woof devs might be able to do it, but I don't think I could. Like last time, I can only suggest trying stretch-to-fit.
  9. This should have been fixed already. Are you using the latest release?
  10. Vanilla Doom draws the multiplayer face backgrounds at the wrong height: Notice how a row from the dark background is still visible at the bottom. And that's on deathmatch. I also just found out that the situation is even worse in co-op, which shows ARMS instead of FRAGS, and the graphic overlaps with the face background and therefore has a column of dark background:
  11. I remembered that later. Still, it's a precaution I'd like to take. Don't sing victory yet: if this really is the issue that's been affecting @CacoKnight and others, then you might just be getting lucky because it's pretty much random -- it's also probably not an issue with your PC. Just keep using the autobuild normally and we'll see. By the way, both you and @CacoKnight: do you remember if the crashes always happened upon the first exit of the session (i.e. the first time you exited a map since you launched the game)?
  12. FWIW, I believe you can also use the End Game functionality to clear the "save you want to load". It's unclear to me if you're referring to that or actually exiting the program.
  13. Did you change that setting in the same session that crashed? If so, what happened is that any changes to the settings weren't saved because they're only saved when the program exits properly, which doesn't happen if the program suffers a [program] has stopped working kind of crash.
  14. The way you describe it, it sounds like you're suffering from an issue that's been pestering us for a while; see here. Anyways, please stick to the autobuild from now on. Just to be clear: did said autobuild crash at all? If not, do report back if it does.
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