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About yuakuru

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    huhuhuh what an mess
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  1. mfw playing Evilution in general
  2. OJ rolling in his grave mapset was good btw MAP04 was a lil painful though
  3. Not to be contrarian, but no Doom 1 is practically a prototype of 2 There is quite literally no reason to make a Doom 1 mapset other than as some gimmick
  4. r/Doom would probably be more your speed then
  5. Video Games were a nice idea but clearly failed A good video game although possible has yet to be accomplished
  6. Instant weapon switching instead of a full second of not being able to do anything
  7. >Mario 3 water world music as the intermission
  8. Sweet another thread of Well akshullay... that doesn't get instantly locked like it should
  9. yuakuru

    Hell's play garden

    Rated one star. Take that, Tobias Andersson
  10. Agree on this part, something about them is a little pathetic ...that and Doom is the only 'le boomer shooter' (or FPS in general) I even like
  11. Average Doomworld poster
  12. yuakuru


    A little slow to start, but MAP11 onward definitely makes up for it
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