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About ContrastSaturation

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    Green Marine

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  1. TYSM, all I had to do was move the textures from between the TX lumps to between the P lumps
  2. I saved the texture to the TEXTURE1 file, but it also has the same name "W65B_1' and 'W65B_2', hence why I thought it should replace it, as well as being saved as two non-animated textures. And the textures are located between the TX_START and TX_END lumps
  3. I'm trying to replace FIREBLU with this texture to create an animated Christmas light effect, which displays fine in the editor. However, when I playtest, this happens: I don't understand why. I'm applying the actual FIREBLU texture to the lindef. If i just paste my texture on, it displays as it should, but of course isn't animated. Any ideas?
  4. There's plenty of SpongeBob fangames that got more attention that this one (even ones with a dark theme)... Maybe it was the music? I guess there's little point speculating now. Thank you to everyone for playing
  5. I guess. Never really heard of this happening to a doom mod before. Maybe it's a testament to the quality? Even so, I don't see how that would really be an issue, who tf thinks "fuck battle for bikini bottom, I'll play this doom mod instead!"
  6. Well, it happened. Viacom DMCA'd the wad. Out of every Doom wad based on a licensed product, I don't see how mine overstepped the line, especially considering the existence of another SpongeBob Doom wad. Still, this was a good learning experience and I plan to make more wads in the future. RIP Squidward
  7. Version 1.3 is out now with more balance adjustments, a few small map edits, and UI changes https://www.moddb.com/mods/thebikinibottommassacre
  8. Thanks a lot for the playthrough and criticism, it's very useful to me! I've tried to make some changes based on it already, but I'll continue to make adjustments as necessary. I definitely agree that the Squidward boss fight was too much, although maybe the final boss should be harder?
  9. I know, I just saw that, 81k views wtf! I mean I thought this wad would get some attention but Jesus christ
  10. I'm 99% sure that effect is a rendering issue rather than a missing texture (try changing your settings?), I'll continue to look into balancing though, thanks for the feedback
  11. Thank you both for the feedback :), I've released update 1.1, it should address some of your concerns
  12. Huh, I was sure I redefined that. Not sure how I missed it, thanks
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