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Everything posted by Dwars

  1. A (likely very shoddy) way around this is temporarily copying the PLAYPAL from the PWAD and converting to the existing/global palette. Anyway, here are the bars in WAD format. Someone offered to re-do the HUD for Sunder, so I hope that also gets posted soon. Bars.rar
  2. I also have Kevin's notes along with a list of sound effects in the Series 6000, his primary library for Heretic sounds. For instance, you would see IMPDTH and 18-87. Should you look for CD# 6018, Track 17, you'll find one of the Horror, Head Crunch sounds, which can be found on the website linked in the spreadsheet. It appears Kevin used what would be 18-88 instead. It's kinda interesting to see how the sound effects developed with certain other cases. There are some listed here that aren't even in the game.
  3. Sure, though some of them are only tagged as 'likely' or 'possibly.' Kevin mentioned some of these in this video too, like the gargoyles being Michael Raymond Judy:
  4. A while back, I put this spreadsheet together consisting of (definite and likely) sound origins from Heretic. A lot of these were dead ringers, some were taken from Kevin Schilder's remaining SFX notes for the game he sent to me, some are guesses, and others are sounds that perkristian found when he made a partial sfx pack that I haven't asked about yet. Regardless, 100+ sounds have been (at least partially) accounted for, and this could be a good foundation for a proper HQ SFX pack for Heretic. I was going to make a video on this at some point, but lacked the motivation for the longest time. Ah well! While I was writing this list, I put some of the sounds I've found together into perkristian's pack of his take on the Heretic sounds. I made a thread about that pack over here, and it accounts for over half of the sounds in Heretic. If you find any sounds I didn't account for either on the website I used to locate the sound effects, or any other site, let me know!
  5. 1, but also 2. Widescreen takes on the classic status bar are a blessing, and more people should make patches for old/new PWADs with them.
  6. It should also probably be noted both of the 'successor' forks of PrBoom+ (UMAPINFO/DSDA-Doom) now support widescreen assets, even if the former's support is still in developer builds at the moment. I also widened the status bars for Sunder and Sunlust/SWTW. If anyone wants to have another go at these, feel free to.
  7. Once again, great work on this project! I made a UMAPINFO lump file patch for ports that support it. (so far I think only dsda-doom's Heretic support is the only one that really benefits from this.) Should work with demos too. Let me know if I messed up any lines when writing it. Other than that, enjoy! hereumap.rar
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