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About sittinkittin

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  1. @TwinBeast Those bouncy little ones look so heckin' cute! They're just bursting with excitement! Sooo eager to explode!
  2. Ooohh, it's those skulls that breathe! I'm a Devil Daggers noob, heh. I only played it for 6 hours. Maybe I'll get back into it some day! :3 This is the best I ever did:
  3. Oh my god, yes, Devil Daggers! Holy heck that game is stressful. No other game has made me bob and weave in my chair while playing it quite like Devil Daggers has. Hearing these guys: breathe/laugh/sound fucked up down your neck as they're catching up to you is so fucking unnerving.
  4. I call Lost Souls pesky fucks and Cyberdemons Sooberdoobers.
  5. If you change "video mode" to OpenGL in the options menu Spectres will be easier to see.
  6. The past week I've only been playing Doom at 35 FPS, in mostly Crispy Doom. The mouse feels more responsive at 35, for sure. Less smooth, but more responsive. The gnarly, murky-ass software renderer look + the 35 FPS with its snappy feel is just to die for.
  7. QCapsLockAS. Haha, no. But imagine if. WASD here!
  8. So velvety, this Aphex Twin track... Here are a few. Now if you'll excuse me... ; ~ ;
  9. DSDA-Doom - 8 Crispy Doom - 1 I use DSDA-Doom for everything, really, but I do enjoy the occasional Crispy Doom at 35FPS for that cozy and crispy oldschool feel, especially when playing older wads.
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