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About VoanHead

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    Average Cyberdemon Glutes Enjoyer
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  1. The first trailer just dropped recently, and people already have doubts? I’m just going to wait for any news coming out for more info about Dark Ages.
  2. I think playing wads as is first time around is neat, and if you liked it enough as a replay you could always give Final Doomer a shot alongside with it. Each weapon set is themed alongside a respective wad it was made for.
  3. he talking about the mod but lmao. Every time you get a berserk in a map be sure to inject steroids, gotta really immerse yourself in the game
  4. :( Honestly DE really could've benefited from mod support for its longevity. DOOM 2016 had snapmap, while limited and quality varies, it's still better than having nothing at all. The closest thing now would just have to look at Embers of Armaggedon's addons of Doom Eternal weapons or even Kar En Tuk (whenever that eventually drops) for mods.
  5. I'm the type to procrastinate. What little maps I have made have just been scrapped altogether. Idk, I guess I don't have much of a creative drive. I have more fun playing maps for the game than making something for the game itself.
  6. I just hope that there will be at least mod support for the next doom game. What DE was solely lacking was like a way for people to make custom user made content.
  7. I always wondered if you'd get around to making these in widescreen. I've been having the WinXP on my drive for a while and have added them with 1994 Tune Up project or just about any wad that doesn't have custom status bars.
  8. Revenants b/c they’re my favorite enemy in doom, no matter what they’re fighting. Go Revenant, go go, Go Revenant! Cybercheeks is cool too b/c if it’s a scenario where it’s just one of those guys against an entire mob of demons it’s neat to see him flex those muscles and glutes and completely demolish everybody. Saves me a lot of ammo, too. By the end if it survived, and if he’s the sole monster left in the map, I give him the honor to dying by my pistol.
  9. hell yeah, let’s get a 3D platformer, Commander Keen 64-esque title where the graphics look like the shitty polygonal look back in those days.
  10. so basically next doom game will be GMOTA 2?
  11. I’m not going to act like I wasn’t a dickhead in my high school years, but honestly, good on grungo/johnny.
  12. Until then, idk when threads will improve but I'm just going to be keeping to myself and back to my lurking ways.
  13. have you ever played far cry primal. It really makes you feel like Grungo
  14. Yay, the uhh activity on the profiles here is fixed :)

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