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About Morpheus666

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    Murphy's Law

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  1. Played through it, it's way too cramped for the enemies you fight, lack of ammo and health make it extremely hard to survive even a simple encounter with a few barons.
  2. ATM, there currently are no plans for a multiplayer focused mapset, perhaps in the future! It currently is a Singleplayer only experience
  3. I played Nuts.wad with this mod, and it turned into a survival horror game lmfao. It got to the very point where even a regular zombieman was making me recoil in horror at the thought of what it could potentially throw at me. 10/10 mod, would get traumatized again
  4. Postal, Blood, SIN all great games tbh
  5. My opinions on the wad are pretty much what has already been said.
  6. For a starter map, it's pretty fun! i loved the bit of challenge it posed, the layout was quick and simple and worked very well. I really loved the detailing and height variations within the map, i think for your first map this is a pretty good start! Also the Music for the level was really good.
  7. I personally think it's a personality thing, from me personally i don't get any "good" feelings from killing enemies in games, what makes it feel good i think is the sense of accomplishment you get from clearing out a area of enemies and surviving against it (especially if it's a difficult challenge). The whole idea behind the psychology of how video games shape people's morality/emotions is a long and winding tale which predates the 1990's, namely in part due to a lack of understanding and religiously motivated propaganda which attempted to demonize games instead of actually addressing the real problems in the world. Games in general are a double edged sword, on one hand they can allow people a peaceful way to let out there emotions in a good way, while it also can become a obsession and can ruin someone's social life. The human race in general is a very violent species, and the fact that Violence is a "normal" part of life now is because of our desensitization to it by the Movies,games, Tv shows we watch. I think the massive appeal of hyper-violent games are the difficulty/challenge they pose, the act of killing itself isn't something that gives the player pleasure (at least most people), So what does this long winded dribble mean? The Short answer: It's the satisfaction of overcoming the odds and beating a challenge the game poses. Long answer: Because violence in our society is considered a "normal" part of life
  8. I have a quick 5 question for you: 1. What resources will you use for this project? 2. do you have experience in Doom Mapping/modding? 3. Who will be working with you on this project? 4. Is this project attainable (as in could you make a demo for it within 3 years?) 5. Is the project from the heart, or a means to seek a notable feat in the community? If you answered "No" or "idk" to any of these questions, it's time to put the brakes on before heading head-first into this project, A big mistake alot of new Modders make is overscoping there first projects. I did it, and so did alot of other new mappers, you imo must start small, Make a few single maps and work on understanding what is considered good "Doom level design". You can do this by playing other famous Wads and seeing what they did and try to figure out why they work so well, or by learning the basics by reading through what John Romero said himself: links: https://www.helldoradoteam.com/2018/12/19/john-romeros-level-design-tips/
  9. As a big fan of Doom 64, i get some of the critique's you listed in your OP Post. However i will say that it seems to me like your trying to like something you don't actually enjoy, Doom 64 is one of those games where it's widely praised by the community however not everyone actually likes it or will enjoy it. You have to be prepared to go into the game and forget everything you knew about any of the other Doom games, because while it still is Doom by heart/gameplay, it's a entirely different and refreshing take on the Doom Formula, it's imo no different then Doom 3. It's a game in the series that not everyone will like, and that's completely fine to not like it, everyone is allowed to have a opinion.
  10. I tested out the levels that was within the Project so far, and as nicely as i can put it: "You can't learn to run when you haven't even mastered crawling". I don't say this to be mean spirited, the story for your megawad is a interesting one that i honestly would like to see fully realized, HOWEVER I feel the scope of the project, and also seeing as your a very new member to the doom community, i don't think it would be beneficial to you as a mapper to continue this Megawad without the proper understanding of what makes a "good" Doom level. That term is passed around often in the doom community and you probably think "ok, what is a GOOD map?", the answer to that is up to the creator, there is no right or wrong way to make a Doom map, HOWEVER there are tips and tricks you can use to make your map look more polished and up to par with some of the Vanilla maps in Doom. Upon playing them i noticed many, many mistakes that a first try Mapper does, to list off the most common: Misaligned textures Boxy level designs These two were very glaring while i played, i recommend perhaps checking these sources out before you decide to continue making this project, I say all this because i do want to see your idea come to a reality, but at it's current state i feel like you can do so much more. How to avoid falling in to New Mapper Plights: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/126593-a-different-kind-of-beginners-guide-to-doom-modding/ A great guide on how to improve the visual quality of your maps, Told by the man himself: John Romero https://doom.fandom.com/wiki/Tips_for_creating_good_WADs
  11. Hello! i tried your Wad out and I have a few questions tbh, As a big fan of Blood i was ecstatic to see someone had made a doom level in the same vein as Blood. This Feeling quickly turned when i was met with a Nearly impossible, frustrating Gorefest of Literal Seas of enemies. Pro's: There was some pretty interesting usage of gimmicks throughout this level, My favorite being the ability to get ammo at will from the pillars in the center, The Shootible Buttons also were a nice touch, The Opening room is chaotic and a perfect introduction to how this map continues on till the end (i wasn't able to beat it) Con's: While i do think the texturing does kind of resemble Cheogh's Boss fight, it lacks in the moody lighting/ambient tracks that Blood is famous for, in terms of difficulty ig you could say it's "as hard as blood" but from the view of a vague notion of what makes blood hard, IMO Completely misses the mark on what makes Blood's Unforgiving difficulty fun. The Actual map design is pretty bland, After my playthrough i didn't remember anything interesting about the level, It was a good attempt i think, but perhaps a better understanding about the inner workings of what makes Blood Stand out would be the best. (also couldn't hurt to import custom Blood textures for added effect) i'd give this map a 5/10, It's got good intentions but falls to mediocracy
  12. change the 0 to a 1? I'm not 100% on what the digits do in Sprites but i know that if it's animated it has to be numerical (1,2,3,ext), meanwhile if it's a static object it can use A1 which just tells the Engine it's a static sprite with rotation. EDIT: All of the sprites should be FCANA#, So from 1-3 it should look like this: FCANA1 FCANA2 FCANA3
  13. in order to replace a sprite, you must name it the same as the sprite you wish to replace Like if I have a mannequin sprite and I want to change the Tech Pillar to this new sprite, I'd rename my Mannequin sprite to ELEC A1, because that is the technical sprite name that the tech Pillar uses
  14. oh lol! didn't realize it was a speedmap session, i will try Map04 again and see what's up and give it a proper review, afterall i want to be as thorough as possible (otherwise it drives me nuts lol)
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