When you hold down the Fire Button, A_ReFire skips to the first Frame with A_FireWhatever Action Code, bypassing any initial dead space and avoiding successive stuff like the Plasma Rifle's cool-down. Thus, the BFG and even the Pistol are quicker on the draw when held down.
Yet, the Doom, Eternity & ZDoom wikis do not elaborate on the consequences of omitting A_ReFire. Setting A_CheckReload (part of the Super Shotgun) aside--that much I know has A_CheckAmmo built in--does A_FireWhatever have the A_CheckAmmo, or does the A_ReFire have it?
It might be possible through DeHackEd alone to construct a weapon that loops to A_FireWhatever once clicked regardless of further input, expending all ammunition and switching to another available Weapon. Thus, the Weapon is a circumstantial "Spray-and-Pray" device that can wreak havoc in emergencies.
If "Nay", then A_FireShotgun2 (SSG) with A_CheckReload will still work. I still wish other Weapon Types could follow suit.
NOTE: I checked another project for reference and found Doomkid's first Rowdy Rudy mod. It used DeHackEd to create a starting Weapon that uses A_FirePistol twice in succession for dead-center accuracy for both shots. It replaced A_ReFire with another A_FirePistol and loops Firing frames back to A_WeaponReady. That might have A_CheckAmmo built in.