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Mr.S Retro

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About Mr.S Retro

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  1. i miss this guy he was one of my best friends :(

    1. lalelilolu


      what happened to him tho?

  2. PP: 15 Power: 80 Accuracy: %100 Type: Dark inflicts damage and has a 20% chance of causing the target to flinch and can hit non-adjacent opponents in Triple Battles.
  3. Make the raise state go to another frame aka 13= raise duration 1 next 880 880= raise duration 0 next 13 This will cause the animation to play at 2x speed, adding more 0 duration frames will make it faster. Sorry for no images, I'm currently on my phone.
  4. I chose my username because: Mr(I'm a guy) S(First initial) Retro(I play older games more often than newer games). And that's why I'm Mr.S Retro
  5. I have beaten baculus but other than that no other wads(not even doom2) can grab my attention and make me want to play them all the way through.
  6. I genuinely cannot understand why someone bumped this near year old thread.
  7. No, using DeHackEd (vanilla) you cannot add new weapons but you can replace them.
  8. Those do not reflect my thoughts at all, they were made using the same idea mk.4 said. Infact a mod that I'm currently working on has tons of enemies that are just there for flavor.
  9. Yeah, doom 1 has a lot of additions when you play it through brutal doom the civilian zombies are much more prevalent there than in Doom 2, also turns out there's no flamethrower in episode 2 I must be remembering wrong.
  10. Ok, so some of my facts were wrong and I am willing to say that I was incorrect with some of the items I had listed. The mummy does appear in episode 2 of doom 1 in V21.
  11. List of completely repetitive and mostly useless brutal doom things: MP40(same as smg) SMG(another rapid-fire weapon) Machine Gun(just rifle rocket/grenade launcher combo) Pistol zombieman(slower overall worse bd zombieman that could easily be replaced by having a normal zombieman occasionally drop a pistol) Zombie scientist(fodder pinky that does less damage) Mummy(Pinky with even more health) By most people and myself these monsters add flavor to the mod, but from what you just said, all of these are redundant.
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