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tamara mochaccina

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About tamara mochaccina

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    an actual bunny

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  1. maybe? it's def not on my laundry list of things to do hehe
  2. Sup nerds! Uni has taken up quite a bit of my time, so I haven't been able to make much new music. But new music I have made! One of these was inspired simply because I fucking despise the way Bye Bye American Pie sounds. PATCHNOTES NOT TIED TO ANY PROJECTS Alice in Chains - Them Bones Tamaresque Ideas, A mess of ideas that I put together. Really thrashy, if you're into that sort of thing. DOOM HIGHLIGHTS (An abandoned idea of my own) E1M1 - Remorse, a version of Doom's Gate that has more elements from Metallica's No Remorse E1M3 - Club Halls, a version of Dark Halls that you can hopefully groove to AMALGOOM Bouny, a lighthearted, dreamy version of Sweet Little Dead Bunny and Victory kil em al, my own take on a mashup of Doom's Gate and drunnin I also finished Sandy's Secrets.
  3. The Healer Stalks. I will not elaborate.
  4. i like the ideas! but, again, pictures- i need to see where these songs are actually gonna be used! i can't work under the pretense of "maybe possibly" xp
  5. Yeah, you heard me. Or read me, rather. I will just straight up make a song for your map, or your titlescreen. I've been stressing over uni, so I need to go back to the thing I love most- Music! MIDI or HQ, doesn't matter. I'll make the first 5 or so people to reply to this with a WIP picture of their project a song.
  6. mis aportes fueron limitados, pero lo que si logré añadir fue muy entrete un gusto los cauros
  7. Oh boy Oh man Oh boy Oh man Two new songs! One for the HCP, and another for 30 Minutes 'til Midnight!
  8. I think his music actually fits, thematically, with the game that DOOM is. With a game that so clearly takes inspiration from action + horror movie tropes of the time it came out in, it only makes sense that the music would match that by being tributes to the music of the era. I think DOOMscourse would benefit greatly by talking about the soundtrack on a conceptual level, rather than acting as if though it was a huge breakthrough in music. i mean for fuck's sake No Remorse came out 10 years before
  9. The Hell Knight is husband material. Nah, but really, the classic Hell Knight is my favourite Doom enemy.
  10. the ending sequence was very very different at first- it was a last minute change because it was a bit too similar to the maze in map08 in mechanics. we didn't get much time to playtest it as a result
  11. we made a point to specifically have the shotgunners be stuck there. we fixed it accidentally in one of the versions and proceeded to unfix it
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