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  1. It's been two weeks since i was here, happy to be back i guess.

    Well i'll tell you guys where i spent my two weeks. St. Maarten and the Pokonos PA, 1 week at each. Let me just say it was an awesome stress reliever.

    In case no one knows, St. Maarten is an island located in the Carribean, somewhat close to Puerto Rico. It is divided by two sides, French and Dutch. My Father has family down on the Dutch side, so we usually go down every couple of years. The place is beautiful, and the people are very friendly which is cool so you dont have a bunch of arrogant prick drivers tailgating you. The Dutch side of the island is really cool for just hanging around, casinos, clubs, and fishing. There is nothing like Deep-Sea fishing, shit. Me, my brother, my friend, my dad, and uncle reeled in 215 lbs worth of Mahi and Wahoo, as well as 1 Yellowfin tuna.
    Oh yeah, the French side has a bunch of nice stores/resturantes but ofcourse everything comes at a price.

    The Pokonos is great for relaxing. Its a good place to do some outdoor stuff, like water rafting, swimming, etc. Nice if you wanna get away from home. I stayed at a Cabin w/ one of my friends.

    Besides me, have any of you guys been/are going on vacation?

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