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About JaySmithen

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  1. I checked my maps too. Maps 11 & 24 are working well. I did a test in GZDoom and found that the pistol is animating but is not shooting or making sound. It works perfectly in DSDA Doom though πŸ‘πŸ™‚
  2. Can you open the Item Properties window? It should be in there I think. (Ctrl+1)
  3. Howdy, MAP09 here 😊 I'm trying to keep it simple but as always the feature creep is real lol πŸ˜…
  4. That's cool πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ I had a brain fart there. For some reason I thought the finished product would be in pk3 format lol. 😊 Edit: Who needs models anyway, I replaced it with some midtex shenanigans 😁
  5. @Obsidian Hi :) Are we allowed to use models at all? Models can't added to a WAD file AFAIK. I think they can only be read from a folder. It would mean that when submitting a map we would have to supply our Models folder as a separate download.
  6. @Rifleman Nah I just tested it. +MOVEWITHSECTOR ο»Ώdoesn't seem to work. My guess is that it's only for floors πŸ™‚ It would be really cool if it did though πŸ‘
  7. Maybe something like this? I'm not sure how smooth it would look though πŸ™‚ ACTOR BIGSPIKEDOWN 21017 { //$Category 3D Models //$Title "Big Spike - Down" Radius 8 Height 128 +SOLID +SPAWNCEILING +NOGRAVITY States { Spawn: 3DMF A 1 A_ChangeVelocity(0, 0, 100, CVF_REPLACE) Loop } }
  8. I just played the first four maps with Doom Incarnate and I have to say this is a fantastic set of maps, I've had a big stupid grin the whole time I've been playing 😁 I really like how there is a lot of room to move around in πŸ‘ I'm gonna go play some more, Cheers Mustangtel! πŸ»πŸ˜€
  9. I would check the brightness level of the 3dfloors control sectors. If it's only black underneath the 3dfloors I'd bet that's it. If not, send the WAD and we can have a look at it πŸ‘ πŸ˜€
  10. I think this should work too :) #include "zcommon.acs" script "Damage Player" (void) { DamageThing(5,0);//Damage the activator of the script by 5 Delay(35);//Wait a second } On the lines you wish to hurt the player use Action 80 Script Execute and set the activation to repeatable / When player bumps. :)
  11. I believe you have to make a new invisible actor in decorate/zscript that will sit on the lift and ride up and down on it when it moves. Then you attach a dynamic light to that new actor in gldefs. πŸ™‚
  12. Howdy 😊 I just did a little testing and it's definitely [it]. Looks like SLADE is wrong there. πŸ‘
  13. The only thing I can see is there should be semicolons at the end of the strings in the LANGUAGE lump like so, [enu default] BLINKY_DEATH = "%o got spooked by Blinky."; [it] BLINKY_DEATH = "%o e' stato preso da Blinky."; Other than that it should be working. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ Screenshot: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1k12oj5WoeuCHtEx7VthRwOWPs40oQSSD/view?usp=drive_link
  14. I can't say why it's not working but you could try doing your SNDINFO like this. I'm assuming that the sound file is called FDSECRET.WAV and is in a directory called sounds. misc/secret FDSECRET Or you could try just renaming the sound file to DSSECRET.wav that should replace the secret sound nicely πŸ˜€
  15. Last night my Grimhammer and I ran around a corner in MAP02. I hnnnged so hard at the architecture/textures I just had to take a screenshot. πŸ˜ƒ πŸ’– https://drive.google.com/file/d/1D0XnDipoqZDEtrMIvfIDO_5fuSRLoxs3/view?usp=drive_link Fantastic project! Cheers!πŸ˜€πŸ»
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