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El Inferno

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About El Inferno

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    Honorary Frog

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  1. cybercage_inferno-2516.zip Got a UV run today, not gonna bother viddumping it would take hours. Will probably send the map to idgames at some point, not planning any changes since other people were also recording demos
  2. A map where you shoot many cyberdemon with bfg9000. This was largely inspired by @TimeOfDeath666's infinite cyber map from this post https://www.doomworld.com/forum/post/2622605: using some dehacked, he made it so that the cyber resurrects itself after you kill it and you can just keep doing it over and over (the dehacked also includes infinite bfg and some clever ways to spawn in infinite megasheres). My map is basically a reiteration of this idea without the use of dehacked but with some funky voodoo setup: each time you kill a cyber a new one is spawned into the arena and the cycle repeats until you kill all of them. You also get refilled with 600 cells and a megaspere every: 7 cybers on UV, 4 cybers on HMP and 1 cyber on HNTR. Here are skill 2 and skill 4 runs to show what it looks like: I actually got the idea of a setup like this a while ago when testing the secret fight from @Nefelibeta's Hardfest 2 map. In that fight you also get to bfg cybers in several stages and each consecutive stage is activated by a voodoo doll when the player doesn't move for a couple of seconds (which presumably means that you've dealt with the current wave and don't need to dodge anymore). That ended up being a bit obtuse and I suggested to check instead if the cyber is dead by trying to lower the ceiling of the whole arena and seeing if an alive cyber would block it from lowering or not. Any boom compatible source port should work, gzd-family ports likely won't. Let me know if something breaks, I tested the map quite a lot but it seems like weird stuff still can happen once in a while. cybercage.zip
  3. + Nakano, a really cool map paying tribute to new sunder and quite impressive for a first released work. It is pretty damn hard but lower skill settings should be coming soon-ish (people play these things on UV anyway, right?)
  4. Sanguine Cybermancy does that but with berserks instead of weapons which heals you and forces an autoswitch at the same time, heh. No wonder that it got rejected from prcp2 (love that map).
  5. The secret part is definitely a spicy one, during testing I think I had a strat which was consistent tm but easy to fuck up still. The crusher part was always a bitch to me xdd, the vile seems really tough to get without taking any damage, but maybe there is something. As for the second obstacle... the final fight lol is quite spicy to uv-max I think, though getting a regular exit is a fair bit easier than secret one. Also done watching the run, nice! The amount of romero noises in the slime area haha. Also I think this is the first time I've seen someone not shoot all switches in the finale at once, turned out quite clean (idk if it is doable this way for uv-max, I was getting overwhelmed by spawners while trying to get all kills etc). And the platforming uhh quite lucky to have unlimited attempts there :^) Btw, speaking of intended, the fact that you can carry 'infinite' medikits out of the lost soul area is actually an oversight; the mechanism gets disabled when you get to romero but I somehow forgot to account for when you just leave that area.. I kinda like how it makes the rest more tolerable so w/e
  6. Congrats on getting the run :D And yeah the skip you do at the start is intended (btw you can also linedef skip the floor trigger when you drop down and get out out of the first area even faster). Gotta go watch the rest of the demo
  7. Great map. Combat is well-made and I enjoyed it a lot. The ending was a neat surprise, I really liked that area. Barely visible chaingunners at the start of the map got me worried about what am I getting into, but it went by quickly enough and the rest was cool.
  8. Not worth a separate topic so posting it here: mancubusy_challenge.zip These are some stupid mancubi dodging practice maps I've made some time ago. Finally managed to beat the last map and wanted to share in case somebody else wants to have a bad time too. Slots 3 and 4 are the original maps and 1-2 are easier warm-up things which are not complete bullshit to beat. Also included are demos for maps 3 and 4 with original wad files. Have (no) fun. And no, I'm not making a map 5 with 30 mancs (yet).
  9. 9gzlzs2.png


    Finally got to play this amazing map (yesterday, as of now), been meaning for a while after watching MtPain's review. I managed to forget absolutely all details from the video so it was a nice blind experience, I only wish I was a bit more awake for it (did a playtest of some 1 hour long sunder tribute map right before this, bad life decisions).

    Really fascinated by these non-linear interconnected layouts like in this map, want to incorporate it more into my mapping and this map is a great case study for that.

    During the playthrough I noticed how the map very often spirals around 'locally' by opening progression with walkover triggers organically. This works really well for the maps flow and doesn't seem, at least on the first glance very hard to replicate; of course, everybody does cool progression bits here and there occasionally but the systematic use of them here seems to do the trick. I imagine you'd draw some nice geometry in the editor and then figure out how to make these small loops everywhere.

    More 'global' non-linearity of the map was also quite interesting, I noticed at least one place where monster closets were used differently depedning on which key-path you take (which seemed to lead to some bug in my playthrough, I think, a closet with cacos opened by they were facing away and blocked off by soundlines). There seemed to be a few branching points across the map and its interesting how it works together with all different parts opening up as you progress in different directions.

    Very non-orthogonal geometry which still appears highly structured is also something I want to do more, most of the time I lean to one of the extremes: embrace the 64 unit grid or go full gridless free form style, and find it difficult to do something inbetween. The texture palette helps here of course with not having to worry about alignment along the skewed lines etc. I would probably opt to choose textures which are easy to work with if I attempt geometry like this.

    I'm quite experienced with limited texture mapping so the fact that the map looks great while using only graytall, fireblu and doortrack doesn't surprise me as much. I usually limit myself to 5-10 textures when I start a map anyway, even if its not imposed by project rules or whatever.

    Anyways, always more to learn in this craft.


    1. Kinetic


      wow I never noticed you skew either to the 64 grid or gridless! I guess I could've guessed the 64 grid thing from how orthogonal some of your maps are. I think I always work in 64 or greater for initially drawing the space/form of a larger room/sector, but then I always begin to refine and adjust and shave corners, usually using 8 or smaller, I really like 8.


      Didn't know about the texture limitation thing you tend to do either, it's implied in a lot of your maps but didn't know how consciously rigid you choose to make your maps in terms of texture variation. Looking forward to interconnected map layouts from you! I should try to do the same

  10. Found this gem on today's idgames upload 





    Spectacle map with about 2900 monsters and portraits of anime boys. Read postmortem.txt for why this is a thing.

    Storytime: Yagoo's evil twin, Oogay, has been unleashed and has taken over the Tempus guild in Elysium.

    He intends to convert it into the homebase for his very first group to rival Cover Corp's Holostars: Naked Inc.'s Pleistoquasars. They are also evil because I say they are.

    He has also thrown a demonic kegger and the neighbors have begun to complain about the noise. More so than usual.

    You are a random hobo that has been abducted off the street and tasked with dispatching the demons and stopping Oogay before his evil plan of evil evilness can come to its evil frution that is evil.

    Did I mention that he's evil?


    The map itself turned out to be quite good, visuals and combat are very solid. Kudos to @riktoi for actually trying it out, it was was worth my time (ingame playtime was about an hour).

  11. Yo this thing is on idgames wow https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/0-9/37
  12. Finished the mapset today (started mid last week I think), great stuff, and congrats on the award! Highlights for me: maps 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23 Some specific map thoughts before I forget: 2 - a bit awkward to move around and got lost a couple of time, but I like the layout and the verticality is nice. The BK sequence with escaping thru orange juice is neat 4 - nice to see a bit more spacious map, refreshing 6 - in this one I (intentionally) saved myself into some precarious position and it was fun figuring a way out (I basically did the finally by sitting in the corner with hks to make things a bit more interesting) 7 - neat star shape setups and the final arena was cool (the preview shots were interesting though I didn't realize what they were for initially) 10 - looks great, ending sequence was nice. It felt like a bit too many switches after first fight and the lack of health pickups made the dance with cybers at the end dicy (my fault though for saving with 10 health for that part, I didnt realize that one mega was all I was getting) 11 - this just has neat color scheme, music is jam and I like the layout (which got a bit confusing but eh thats fine) 12 - I'll admit I don't know what the choice at the start actually does, but it was fun dodging revs etc in this one 13 - the way ending cyber was jumping on a step was funny. Not fond of chainsawing PEs start but didnt mind the part with barons - reminds me a bit of LE's ultimate doom maps 14 - cool visuals and interesting music choice. I liked how you need to clear revs in the starting pit like 3 times. Seems like a missing sky transfer in the zerk area. 15 - I got a bit frustrated trying to dodge vile zaps with that tiny ass 16 unit pole with RK on it, but I think I got a bit better at it in the process, fun map though 16 - what the fuck, LE? obviously great job in the visual department, and it didnt make the map too confusing to navigate. Though I didnt even try looking for secrets, it seems way too saturated to spot anything heh. And I like how the area was opening up slowly with progression. The ending cyber was extremelly obnoxious to kill - at least I didnt find a better way to deal with him than to plasma him from below (then run out of cells and switch to chaingun meh), if there was a secret bfg somewhere Id just save, faceplant him, move on 17 - seems like pacifist was intended for the first couple of minutes? cool concept, it does feel like breaking into some sort of protected mainframe, like a virus 18 - pretty bold use of viles in an open area like this, but seems to work fine. lol at the tower shotgunners 19 - remember testing it a while back, it feels a bit different now but idk, I just like how metal it is 20 - the vile fight gimmick is cool but I found it too awkward to enjoy. Also SMM in the main area seemed like a meme, seems hard to avoid getting demolished by it, I kind of brute forced my way and made it infight the cyber. I liked the detailing at the exit 21 - what an opening, doesnt seem actually hard but quite spectacular. bfging cybers with invis on was a meme 22 - fighting viles on that central ring was fun and well the hiding vile sequence later was also cool. great visuals. Oh and the ending - fun hold bfg and pray kind of fight 23 - cyber - baron fiesta got a bit annoying with all splash damage, was tough to 2 shot cybers without getting killed (and of course I saved at 20 health by that point), the other key was a cool fight - dodging vile behind pillars with all the flyers around was something. SMM+vile ending was my favourite part 24 - neat cave! nice color combo there
  13. Ok I finished map04, wow. Quite a cool experience, I enjoyed it, in a way. The platforming to the "NoEscape" (I hope its a reference, heh) part was smooth and intuitive to do, felt like a 1000-ish platforms in total? Anyway, that was going for much longer than I expected. I was saving every maybe 20-30 platforms and wasn't falling very often which made it quite enjoyable to do. Didn't do the path backwards because downstairs platforming is just not fun to do imo (if there was a teleport back, I didn't find it). The maze is a fucking meme of course, but it was interesting to slowly pick it apart (with iddtx2 and saving every 3 seconds; but I'm totally fine with this mode of playing the game, not everything has to be single segmentable to be fun), I would imagine it is more reasonable with a decent route. I liked 1 time teleports and viles ressing 1k cybers - adds nice dynamic of hunting down viles in the maze. The start of the map fades a bit compared to the rest but the plasma guys vs rev rockets was pretty cool. And I had to consult udb to figure out what you wanted from me after red switch. Nice visuals, very unique look. Notes: - you probably want to make the pit bottom damaging - you can get softlocked in that 1st room right before jumping to blue key
  14. Thank you @Catpho :) That ending sequence was a very spontaneous idea and I'm glad people ended up liking it so much Re the secret:
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