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About SelacoDev

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  1. Good grief what an outdated thread. Please remind me to update this non-sense ASAP
  2. Hey there! No, this is not going to work. Selaco uses a heavily modified version of GZDoom that better suits the needs of our game. After launch, I'm certain a number of our performance enhancements will be brought over to Stock GZDoom, but everything gameplay related will probably stay in our version of the branch since there is no reason for that to exist anywhere else. Is there a specific reason why you would want to run Selaco on stock GZDoom? It's already based on fairly recent builds of the engine as we try to keep up to date with the development of the GZDoom crew!
  3. Psst, you can't actually drink the beer unless your health is super low. Because indeed, responsibility! Only drink when the pain is getting too much.
  4. Being extremely confident in your rocket spamming skills just to get surprised by a random specter
  5. All of the effects can be disabled and the levels are segmented into smaller chunks to keep performance high. No worries!
  6. New weapon alert! Say hello to the UC-11 Compact! A recent addition to the family of powerful weapons in Selaco and despite being in an early stage of development, it's already a blast to shoot! Concept art and more info in the comments. The UC-11 is a weapon that encourages aggressive play. Its high rate of fire makes it capable of dishing out the most DPS in the game, but due to its inaccuracy it is required to get up close and personal with your enemies in order to utilize the UC-11 to its fullest potential. Given how the SMG is part of the ACE Security line-up, it comes equipped with a taser for non-lethal engagements. Lucky for us, Dawn's version of the Taser is enhanced; Melee a target to emit a shockwave to immobilize nearby enemies, further complimenting aggressive playstyles. We're very excited about this weapon! It's a little more situational compared to the other guns but entering a small room to clear it out within seconds is so satisfying that it becomes to hard to put into words. Let us know your thoughts!
  7. Thank you for your kind words! No, Selaco will not run on LZDoom. But we are taking many steps to ensure that a low-end machine can run the game. We spend a lot of time on performance optimization and use a janky old laptop to so these tests. No, gender cannot be changed and is never not going to happen. Looking forward to have you play this game in the future!💙
  8. It would be a crime to release a throwback shooter without Gianni in it! Such a great and humble guy.
  9. On par with F.E.A.R. was the original goal, but soon realized that GOAP is nearly impossible to achieve with this engine. Our current goal is to get it as close as possible, but also give them some new tricks to make them more interesting on the long run. I do think we already achieved the human aspect of the enemy through the way they communicate with each other. AI is going very damn great as well but there's plenty of room for improvement. BTW did you guys see this amazing cover feature!? Holy shit, a GZDoom project on the cover! I am so damn proud of what this team is doing! A
  10. Was about to post that here. Grrr! Here is some Concept Art and a better look at the Reloading Animation. I do not know why I thought it was a good idea to switch weapons during the reload there. Terrible showcase on my end :p All of these guns are massive projects of their own and the video barely shows what else the gun is capable off. We will show one of the Alt Fires in our Realms Deep gameplay piece, which will be a 3-minute uncut focusing on both atmosphere and combat. It is truly great to see the amount of support from you guys. I started this project on my own 3 years ago, but with the insane amount of love we got from our Patreon backers and positive feedback from you, it eventually grew into a small team of retro FPS fanatics trying to make the best game they can make. We still have miles to go, but what is here is something we are all very proud of. Concept Art: Reload Animation:
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