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About Terraformer9x

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  1. I'll be completely honest and say that I've never viewed DSDA-Doom as a speedrunning-centric source port and more so just a continuation of PrBoom+ with very nice optimizations and features. Although I will admit that I'm a tad bit disappointed with how some stuff in the port is handled and some of the decisions that were made with it over time. I have no idea what the "antispeedrunner-mentality" thing is all about though...
  2. If you're trying to get the best of both worlds in terms of keeping vanilla gameplay but also having some cosmetic stuff like colored blood and what not, your best bet is either Crispy-Doom or PrBoom+/dsda-doom. Crispy has cosmetic stuff built in and PrBoom+/dsda-doom requires a little bit of tinkering but also supports cosmetic changes as well while keeping gameplay vanilla.
  3. No offense, but the PBR materials are way too overtoned and overdone here.
  4. Congrats on the new release! ^^ I should mention though that I made a fork of FDWL where I fixed the 426x200 by setting the aspect ratio to 71:40. I also fixed 854x400 but I changed it to 852x400 and gave it the 71:40 aspect ratio too. I did this because widescreen hud graphics that were 426 pixels wide didn't fit the screen entirely with 854, you could still see a few pixels of GRNROCK at the sides.
  5. Gotcha covered, I did two versions. With Nash's widescreen extension. With Scuba's widescreen extension.
  6. The Doom wiki does actually clearly state whether a source port is still be actively worked on or not and you can find out what a source port is based on quite easily. If you go to a page of any source port on the Doom wiki, it usually shows where the code for that source is derived from. It also usually states it in the first or so paragraph about the source port.
  7. So what's the point of this thread's existence exactly? This just seems like reposting information that you can find very easily on the wiki.
  8. I doubt the newer maps will really stand out much compared to the commercial maps? The only thing I can think of in terms of polishing them is restoring entities where they belong like the Archvile in 'O' of Destruction for Doom 2.
  9. Hello, I'm making a thread just to document a small but sort of annoying bug in the sound code in PrBoom and it's derivative ports I've noticed. When the compatibility option to keep the original sound quirks of Doom (comp_sound) is enabled, the sound of an item pickup cuts out any sound currently being emitted by the player whether it be a weapon sound or taking damage. This bug exists in the original PrBoom, PrBoom-plus, and DSDA-Doom. It doesn't occur in other vanilla ports such as Chocolate Doom and doesn't occur in the original Doom executable on DOS.
  10. Thank you very much for the clarification! That does make a lot more sense to release a version with just the cut maps and then eventually merge them with the commercial maps.
  11. Then in my honest opinion, you guys are missing out on an absolutely golden opportunity to make probably the most definitive version of PSX Doom by excluding the original levels big time. As said before, it doesn't make sense why this project is called "Master Edition" since that name implies improvements to the original game. The title is definitely very misleading.
  12. I second what @Lollie said. That is inexcusably lame if that's the case. I'd even go as far as to argue what's even the point of this project then if there isn't plans to reincorporate them with the commercial maps.
  13. Ah I see. So is the end goal basically gonna be to have a PSXDoom romhack with fully complete Doom campaigns with the missing entities and levels readded and such, because that will be absolute kickass to playthrough.
  14. This was probably asked before but is there plans to port this project, once complete, to DZDoom?
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