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About Marcelus

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  1. Redone book. I think this may be final version
  2. More edits on book. Still is not how I want... I will redo it later + one new texture
  3. one new sprite screenshot
  4. More new textures +new brightmaps screenshot
  5. I do not think if this is important. Game do not much good work with textures sometimes and many places are with not much good visible cuts. This texture game cut on this part and small part from gem is still visible on this cut. is not problem give gem on default place but still is with compromise because is not best solution for all variants with this texture.
  6. More new textures I moved the gem on right texture more down because game cut this texture on some places under the rivets and some part from gem is still visible and do not looks good. On original texture is this cut only 2 pixels big and do not see much but in HD is much visible. also skull on doors is redone screenshots
  7. New doors . This are frst doors in game. Not finished yet. I must add scratches and rust how is on original texture and brightness must be adjusted but base shapes are done... this is only for example. Final resolution is 512x1024 and 1024x2048 ......................... (edit) Finished doors screenshot
  8. Hi all, I did HD collection for doom games. All in one. Now you do not want combine more packs because all is in one pk3 file. Only monsters and menu/font is not inside . Download
  9. More edits on flask + some new textures
  10. More edits on barrel and torch. Flame on torch will be redone later + new sprites. Colored doors balls imgur ......... Rename project how HERETIC HD Project not only sprites because I will redone also all textures in HD.
  11. some gameplay screenshots https://imgur.com/a/eK2IcxM
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