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About Fryuko

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  1. Thanks for letting me know! I'll fix those pretty soon.
  2. Here is the first release candidate version. And this is probably the last update if everything goes as planned. In case I still missed something please let me know.
  3. I've been slowly working away at my map. I would say it's around 40-50 percent done and still planning to complete it eventually.
  4. Updated the wad once again with map05 and a bunch of smaller tweaks, and new graphics. This is the last map for Hypothermia, previously I planned two more, but I feel like that this is a good stopping point. From now on I will focus on fixing issues in case any comes up, and somewhat hope that I have not overlooked anything. So here is the Beta.
  5. Updated the wad. Mostly with fixes for map02 and some smaller graphics and midi changes that would be added along the new map update anyway. -Fixed the soft lock that Lunchlunch pointed out, and nerfed the pacifist fight on map02. The update is detailed under the changelog section of the post.
  6. Thanks for your feedback lunchlunch. I guess Red viles and hitscanners might add too much unpredictability in that fight, I'll look into it and try to figure out something less luck reliant. Actually, I'm a bit clueless about the 2nd issue. Which source port did you use? As I tried to replicate it with dsda, prboom and gzdoom and the switch worked in all cases. It's set up like every other one on that map and should open up the whole arena. It might have to do something with linedef skipping in the voodoo doll area but I'm not entirely sure. edit: Managed to find a reason for a softlock there. During the lucky fight you mentioned, there Is a switch that crushes the arch-viles. If that's skipped this one won't work as they follow each other on the voodoo section. This should be easy to fix.
  7. This one is totally an ice themed map.
  8. Thank you for the demo. Fantastic work once again! May I ask if you left the three remaining monsters alive on purpose or they managed to get stuck somewhere? In case of the latter I'll have to find a way to fix that. Thanks for the kind words! I'm closer to completion this time, with map05 already on the way 🙂
  9. This is fantastic! Thank you for the demo. I wouldn't have guessed something like this was possible.
  10. Hey! Sorry to hear that, I tried to look into the issue, but it seemed to work for everyone I asked. Here is a backup doomshack link in case the first one still does not work. Hypothermia 0.31 Doomshack
  11. -It's been a while, so sorry for bumping. Anyway MAP04 is here and ready. (changed up the order a bit since the last version) Keep in mind that it might run poorly on older machines. Currently has no lower difficulties. -A heavily unfinished MAP02 is also included. Would not want to have two different version, so it's just there. Playable to a certain point with cheats, but not really recommended. -There are a couple of new menu graphics and a hud. -Implemented almost all previous suggestions.
  12. Almost done with a new map for Hypothermia.
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