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  1. I have enjoyed all your great runs on this tough as nails mapset. You have improved a lot in the last few months.
  2. I can't see any problem with releasing a 24 map mega-wad. Move the maps to the open slots and release a RC so the community can do another/final bug review. Or, are there any other mappers that had initially expressed an interest in a a slot that did not get one? Perhaps someone of them would like to take an empty slot. There is no reason this project has to die.
  3. WooHoo! The Carnage continues. I guess I now know what I am doing today.
  4. These are turning out to be be fun maps. Some tricky stuff in there. Really enjoying the @plums demos. Congrats on the release of the mapset.
  5. You may have an error in your your demo name. what I got in the download is not a level 3 max it is a 19 min 37 sec, 7 level speed run, nice run. The text shows the wrong mapset for this demo to run. but it does run with these, The demo footer shows "chillax-v9.7.3FIXED.wad" "chmapfix.wad" This works, Cool speed run.
  6. Hopefully some of the other mappers, that are still alive, can pop in a give some feedback here. Some people are no longer active so it may be tough to find/connect with them. However, if the maps won't be changed it should not be a problem for most. Sounds like a fun project. It may breathe some new life into that old project. Good luck with this.
  7. It seems like a community remix would make more sense unless you are willing to give all the time to do this. Are you thinking about a remake to include texturing? I think there are also others that could benefit from some areas being cleaned up or at least slightly updated. Obviously it is just an old mega-wad.. My maps 12 and 25 were likely the best I had at that time so good to let them stay. Trash the others. I don't care, the original will still exist. Rip and tear em' up. Go for it from my perspective.
  8. I have it handy. @Maribo did a great job on these. I really like the mapset and a couple of them are quite hard. Cannibal_RC1.zip
  9. Nice! Downloading. Love the color combos in the screens.
  10. Seems like if there is no exit in a credit level it would not be required.
  11. It would be nice to be able to see the version 2 demos but the wad does not appear to be available. Could you post the older versions?
  12. Plays back with Entropy.wad dtd 4/18/19, by Nirvana, at least on my system and with DSDA-Doom256, I did not check any others. https://dsdarchive.com/wads/entropy
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