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About PsychEyeball

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    Flag on the moon.

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  1. I've been playing the 3 Heures d'Agonie series lately and the second installment's Map 28, Gutter Grave, finally settled the debate on "are slaughter maps good or bad" for me.


    Slaughter gameplay is garbage. When the odds against you are so high that you can't really do anything to a huge mass of random monsters except let the monsters kill themselves, you're no longer playing the game. You're letting the game being played by itself and the only involvement one has is to kill archviles while patiently wait everything else dies.


    Funnily, Darkwave's maps were the part of Speed of Doom I liked the most but this map in particular is horrendous. On one hand, congrats for making this map somehow vanilla compatible, but the gameplay is trash. Every encounter has the same template and it all boils down to wait for everything around you to die while you can't do anything because you sure don't have the health or ammo to participate in the fighting.

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