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Everything posted by DerTimmy

  1. yes both things dont work. they are for player one. need to make an eventhandler and such thats why taunting should work. it has one. 2nd player collecting super energy shouldnt work either. gonna look into it but this wasnt meant to be played coop.
  2. you can try this with other maps too. its fun and still well balanced for doom maps uploaded rc4 that fixes the bastyber boss fight and some arenas
  3. <_< no that would take alot of time. still would like to add more but then i will be working on this forever :D but i will overhaul some maps and sprites. i called this finished because there is no new content coming. but cant say no either ;) --the bastyber boss is bugged right now. did an oopsie. if the fight starts with her immediatly dashing then she will be immortal. will be fixed.
  4. i saw this many times beaten on streams. i guess it has something to do with scripts and timing
  5. yeah those heads. thought i fixed that :D dunno why this happens. but fixed it now. which difficulty you played on? maybe you can tell which maps? i was a noob at scripting at that time. i will go through the maps and redesign the arenas, but that may take a while. im still working on this as im not happy with the overall quality
  6. uploaded Version RC3. Overhauls alot of Effects, redesigns Bastybers Bossfight to make it more challenging and prevents you from switching to other Weapons while Sills Lv3 Super is active. Makes it alot easier to use!
  7. cant tell. used 4.12 last but didnt had any problems. you could also try (prerelease) VKDoom.
  8. Update 6.66 is out! This is the final Update. No more new Content coming to this. Have fun!
  9. yeah will add it to itch.io. but will patch this first before uploading. still a few things i need/want to change. but nothing important. (new barrels, changing the clusters my maps are in so that they wont show in custom maps, adding some more art/weapons descriptions and making some small tweaks/bugfixes)
  10. need to balance and patch some things, but mostly its meant to be a lil power fantasy. i will look into yaeskas berserk. its not my fault if you abuse something :3 (like spamming Sills pwr 2 sceptre time stop aoe :D ) the text screens is because of the clusters they put into. maybe should have giving them a higher nr not to be triggered in custom maps. this is on moddb. itch.io i have to look into
  11. happened to me on the flower boss in map 62 too but than not again. maybe its something with my acs scripts. i will gather all the problems before dishing out 40 patches. im working alone on this and it eats up alot of time. here have this as apology you can type give superenergy 250 in console to fill up your super everytime :3
  12. worked for me on GZDoom 4.11 on hard. maybe its the difficulty. have to look into it
  13. but you can. corruption cards, double jump or any other addons should work this. gunsbonsai is fun too
  14. use the latest. you need at least 4.10 but i tested all the time on 4.11.3. doesnt work quite right with nashgore next tho.
  15. Space Cats Saga+ has been uploaded. GO give it a try!
  16. Release will be April 25th! Everything has been overhauled. Its a blast to play and my Beasts are a good challenge now. Redone both Super Bosses (pretty challenging) and alot of Maps
  17. anyone interested in giving it a little playtest? message me to get the link :3
  18. i will look into that. im using drawbar for that heat bar. is there a way to not show it on the automap? i know for hudmsg there is a flag that they wont show up, but is there something for drawbar? here is the latest showcase of Sill (most of the shown stuff already got some upgrades/changes -all classes)
  19. The new update will be released in April. It looks and plays alot better. All the classes have been remade. Just need to finish working on Sill and some of the Monsters for replacement. Every Class has its own Super Ability now. Most of the Weapons have been remade and i will make changes to alot of Maps. Will take some more time. Menus, Artworks and HUD will be the last thing i will work on. This is a big Upgrade to the already released Version with alot more content. Aemi Showcase Yaeska Showcase Lux Showcase
  20. Heres a little list with all the changes that will come with the "+" Update (so far) there are much more tweaks already and i will add alot more. but this will take some time and i will release it if im finally happy with it :3 i post more regular on my youtube and twitter/x
  21. well i put alot of the updated content into space cats. beasts was a good base to balance my monsters and update some stuff. "Space Slayer" was an idea but it would take way too much time to make a new class (with campaign). I canceled the new campaign so i can work on code and sprites. Making SCS fun to play is more importent now.
  22. nah wont add doomguy. would be way too much work. but added tons of new enemies and overhauled berserk. melee feels "correct" now "fast" is fun but some space cats maps are almost unbeatable. "beast" replaces every doom demon with a beast. made new beasts for this with new attacks. no hitscan attacks.
  23. There will be another Upgrade- Space Cats Saga 2.0+ -fixed all melee attacks; they feel much better to use now -alot new effects -changes/fixes to almost every gun -1 new secret Map -2 new Boss Arenas -new cats to pat -new textures -new difficulty "Fast" UV + fast Monsters -new difficulty "Beast" UV + replaces Doom Demons with a Beast Variant (i made complete new Beasts for this; every demon got a replacement except Cybie and Mommy cause of the hitboxes) this will be another big update to Space Cats but it will take some time :3 already made tons of fixes since december and added alot of new stuff. will be showing more in the future
  24. well, then you should already try it out. its already complete. the upcoming stuff is just some extra stuff because i want to. there are already almost 40 maps and 4 classes. go play it :3
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