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About M00DER

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  2. M00DER


    I'm torn between questioning the author sexual inclination and making a salacious comment about his female genitor. But I'm not doing either since I was raised as a good christian boy. This WAD is what happens when that kid fiddle with the editor. He needs someone to test it and you're the chosen one: buckle up because it's quite a butthurt ride. Let's get down to it: just as the author described it, a challenging map where you need to shoot (pew pew) your way out most situations. The thing however is that you jump from one situation to another ; you hardly have time to catch your breath. I think I saved a good 20 times. The design is pretty bad except for the last area (see pic attached), for some reason it was pleasing to the eye. Was it because you spend 99.9999% of your time fighting in dark cramped rooms? Maybe. Overall the textures slapped on each area don't make sense at all, some weird mix for the most part. I have no problem with challenging wads where the focus is on fights but I prefer when they're a e s t h e t i c a l l y well done too. I had some trouble with ammo management but nothing beats chainsawing a cacodemon here and there. Played on Hurt me plenty. Also the custom sounds are bad. Firing the shotgun = firing a grenade with the assault rifle of half-life 1. My brain cannot handle so much at once. "They're waiting for you Gordon in the RIP AND TEAR chamber." "UHH!" Favorite parts: >implying Bad parts: That room where the archvile revives the Revenants you just killed a minute ago and you can't reach him since there's a wall of imps. Big Yikes sweetie!! Two stars it is. Hell meh! Now if the author were to kindly send a nice 1x contribution to my paypal (where x is a 0 and the more the better), I could add another star for good measure. P.S. Put "Down with the Sickness" by Disturbed on loop while playing this. It's quite fitting.
  3. M00DER

    Earth Installations

    Hell yeah! Terrific level design, insane areas, these two maps are crafted with great care and it shows! I was never running short of ammo or low on health for too long: good job with the ressources placement. I'm specifically blow away by the floor design: just look at this shit. There are more examples of course. Favorite bits: the escape in the streets, chainsawing invisible countless pinkies in the second map Least favorite: getting dunked on by 4 hell knights in a room the size of my toilets Played on Hurt me plenty.
  4. M00DER

    Pain Above All

    Hell yeah! Good map and that means a lot coming from someone who doesn't like hell-themed maps. Good ammo/stimpacks placement, you need to manage your ressources efficiently. Good: the foggy maze, the rocky maze with barons of hell and hell knights Honorable mention: the floating library in the lava Bad: the starting zone made me want to gouge my eyes out Not too hard and still challenging. Played on hurt me plenty. It's a four stars for me.
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