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About cryoniq

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  1. Yes. From wad txt: Some maps are actually easier on "WILD!" tho, for example map05.
  2. From DSDA twitch chat. Unfortunately, they didn't do any demos yet. But i hope they will...
  3. Wonderful topic indeed. But i see i'm kind of late to the party and almost everything notable already have been discussed and/or mentioned... ...however am i the only one who actually interested in Eternal Doom UV-Max D2ALL? Also after my D2ALL UV-Max of swift death i'm thinking about D2ALL UV-Speed too but i'm not that good if we are talking about the movement and tricks and stuff like glides, AVJs, etc. Maybe to do NM100S all the swift death maps with the actual secrets (that are not placed on the starting sector). Resurgence D2ALL UV-Max could also go in that list and probably wasn't mentioned here. Now about the stuff here: Are you talking about the "new sunder maps" or about 2009 version? New sunder maps are rather impossible to tyson. Mostly because there is no backtracking and the berserk usually placed at the exits. Not to mention the MUCH bigger size of maps and higher monster count, harder fights, etc. I think Starduster still trying to do something with this map. That "secret platforming" section is indeed ridiculous. Well we've seen that even lv01 max by Xit-Vono was beaten. Twice. So lv11 will happen rather soon i think :) To add lv09 pacifist. Also ridiculous demo. P.S. Dimensions map03 UV-Max sub11 minutes :prayge:
  4. Actually the answer might be "anything". Like, we already have ridiculously good demos and then someone posts even better and luckier stuff. And that's cool :^)
  5. That's an interesting question actually. As for my demos, luckiest are: judgment map01 max in 01:29 (no video, sorry) Congestion 1024 map01 max in 0:29.91 swift death uv-max d2all. Honorable mention - SlaughterMAX Map05 uv-max in 3:20 as the map itself is an RNG fest because of cyberdemon spawning on the arch-vile platforms. As for other players, i think i can put these: Plutonia map01 pacifist by El Juancho in 0:06.86 Doom II map09 pacifist by Vaclav Kunes in 01:06 Speed of Doom map30 uv-max by tatsurd-cacocaco in 02:59.03 Honorable mention - the luckiest demo is yet to be done and we all know what is it :^)
  6. swall-max-3shotarch.zip From failed swift death d2all attempt. On map03 (time 0:44) arch-vile got killed with 3 SSG shots.
  7. D2ALL UV-Max in 1:56:22 - swallm15622.zip Video:
  8. Give Me All Your Love Map01 UV-Max in 5:01.91 - ul01m501.zip Video:
  9. Quantum Strike (V2) Map04 UV-Max in 0:55.43 - qs04m055.zip
  10. Episode 1 UV-Max in 16:44 - swe1m1644.zip Ripped from failed d2all attempt, which is also attached. Don't mark this as TAS please :D
  11. How ddid you get almost sub 5 minutes here? Very GG :)
  12. DSDA / /idgames / Doomworld thread aka icgya // icgya.wad I CANT GIVE YOU ANY THING is a set of 29 MBF21 speedmaps, mostly by @Maribo, primarily themed around usage of monocolor textures, HOMs, "ugly/distracting/disorienting" textures like FIREBLU, visual disorientation, perception fuckery, etc. Map01 UV-Max in 4:38 - icgya01m438.zip Video:
  13. Map01 UV-Max Reality in 1:14.63 - sw01m114r.zip Ripped from failed d2all attempt, which is also attached.
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