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About cycloid

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  1. right now, well, leaving work today, getting hitched 3pm saturday. that's right kids: half time england vs paraguay, i'm really popular with my brothers because of that, not, no wander the saturday afternoon slot was empty, we had no idea, heh.

    anyway wish me luck, then we're off for our honeymoon for a week, taking the little hellspawn to a cottage in wales. that's right, scant little electrisity and not even telly reception, i've also been informed that the mobile coverage is basically zero. oh dear.

    so beta test my wad (see wad's and mods) and i'll see you all monday 19th


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. AndrewB


      The more the merrier

    3. cycloid


      Linguica said:

      In a cottage with your children present?

      she's one, and goes to bed quite early in the evening, y'know ;-)

      found plenty of pubs to eat and drink at during the day, did some actual sight seeing one day, went to the seaside another and generally spent the rest of the time doing bugger all but sitting outside grilling burgers. ace. just have to shuffle through 500+ emails, probably 99% junk, ho hum.

    4. Kid Airbag

      Kid Airbag

      Linguica said:

      In a cottage with your children present?

      To be fair I didn't really read the thread.

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