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About cycloid

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  1. Yup, after borrowing, stealing or sneaking internet for nearly two whole years i've only gone and paid money to have my own personal connection again (having babies was tight on the budget!). no more burning cds full of $TheInternet at work to bring home or transferring doom wads,demos and screenshots to work/the library via floppy disk.

    So, apart from arguing about kdizd, what's happening?

    I see no new demos for scimitar.wad, tut tut

    oh, and i'm nearly finished on my next (smaller) project, expect an update, oh, eventually.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GGG


      You need to move to where you can pick up the net from some sap's unencrypted router.

    3. cycloid


      I just did move, to a tiny village that for no apparent reason a fat BT phone exchange about 100m from my house. needless to say my 8mb connection is pretty low on contention :-)

    4. doom2day


      Welcome home then! (Even though 'stealing' the internet seems impossible)

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