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About boris

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  1. You do not "turn the map spot into" a thing. The map spot always stays. So after spawning a thing at that spot you'll have to use SetThingSpecial on the newly spawned thing.
  2. You can't, at least not with that precision. The absolutely smallest duration is 1 tic, which is roughly 28.571 milliseconds. The closest you can get is 4.4 seconds, which are 154 tics. Also you can't do fractional number multiplication like that in ACS. Doom uses fixed point numbers to represent fractional parts. So you'd have to do FixedMul(35.0, 4.405) >> 16 i.e. do a fixed point multiplication, then bit shift to the right by 16 to get back to an integer number. Which results in 154.
  3. "Door Raise" (action 12) is what's the regular door (action 1) in vanilla format. Also note that GZDoom uses the linedef's back side's sector for every action if the tag is set to 0, not only for doors.
  4. The general consensus (and what the Doomwiki claims) is that negative patch offsets are ignored. It's a bit more complicated, though. If there are other patches in the column then the offset will still be ignored. However, in those columns it'll only draw the amount of pixels as if the vertical offset was not ignored. Here's an example that probably makes it a bit clearer. On the left side is what the texture definition looks like. On the right side how it looks in-game (unless run in an engine that fixes the vertical texture offset bug). I think the question is where in the original source this behavior can be found.
  5. Code looks fine to me. The only thing I noticed at a not-so-thorough glance was how you're checking the bounds of the list index. For example in CommandHandler.remove_entry_by_index you have if index not in range(0, len(th.todo)): That of course works, but there are no holes in the list, so you could just do something like if not 0 <= index < len(th.todo): Some other things I noticed: the task list starts at index 0, not 1 comments above methods, consider unsing docstrings below the method header instead check user input for strings with just blanks try adding a description with a comma in the text, then exit and load again (protip: use the csv module to load/save CSV data) check out the plethora of table formatting modules, could make your task list more flexible Ideas: make it possible (with Ctrl-C or whatever) to abort the current input make it recognize partial commands, i.e. not just "remove" and "rem", but also "r", "re" etc. for all commands make errors more visible, for example by printing them in red
  6. Anything set in MODELDEF only applies to the frames that come after your settings. So instead of Frame act1 A 0 "frame01" USEACTORPITCH USEACTORROLL you have to do USEACTORPITCH USEACTORROLL Frame act1 A 0 "frame01" UDB doesn't do that, it applies everything to all frames.
  7. That PC must be 11-13 years old, doesn't sound like something a spoiled kid would have :P F means no integrated graphics. What CPU is in there, exactly? I can't see any F CPUs for the LGA 1155 socket.
  8. I'm not talking about just Decorate/Zscript. I'm talking about every GZDoom mapping feature. 3D floors, sidedef texture scaling, dynamic lights. Fuck it, just put all mapping features of all ports into a single game config, what could go wrong?
  9. This is about the things showing up in UDB, not what the engine does. Of course you can enter whatever you want for any value, that doesn't mean the UDB does (or has to) support it. I doubt you'd agree that UDB should re-enable all the GZDoom features in the EE game configs just because someone might make a map in a EE game config and decides to run it with GZDoom anyway.
  10. No, UDB isn't "out of spec", because the spec for Doom is no Decorate/ZScript. That's like saying DEU is out of spec because it doesn't show Decorate/ZScript things. And nothing stops you from adding a thing with the respective DoomEdNum in the editor - you'll just not see it with the correct properties.
  11. No, UDB does not support Decorate/ZScript in the "Doom: Doom2 (DoomFormat)" game configuration. If you want GZDoom features in the editor you'll have to select a GZDoom game configuration.
  12. Use inheritance: https://zdoom.org/wiki/Using_inheritance
  13. You can not have models in WADs. You'll have to use a directory structure/PK3. You know, just like the tutorial you linked mentions. https://zdoom.org/wiki/Using_ZIPs_as_WAD_replacement
  14. IMO to this day Infraworld - Coma Moonlight has some of the most impressive portal usage.
  15. By remembering to include the required resources (i.e. an IWAD), just like the error message says.
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