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About Ayeloo

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    One of the mappers ever
    Warming Up

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  1. Multi-segmented worm enemy a la EOW from Terraria Can't be shot after it burries itself underground but vulnerable when it surfaces and lunges up in the air
  2. I guess the consensus here is to always have some form of immediate, tactile feedback or a cue Imo, the best but often trickiest solution is just to have the map's flow guide you to where you need to be, be it by making the area where the door is advantageous in some way (monster encounter pressures you to use corners and bottlenecking, or having a large stash of resources that can't all be used at once be there) or by giving the player a new insight (imagery that evokes your goal, for example; All stuff that's been explained here by people way more talented than me lol) tl;dr the player should progress as they play, because being driven by gameplay is more intuitive than only playing after you progress, so to speak
  3. The Doom Marine has evolved a biological compass for ease in migration, like a bird Helps him forage little juice bottles and green helmets in the wild TL;DR having map progression be easily readable from the automap and easily drawn in a map editor is probably why most people "map north"
  4. 10 points - No Rest For The Living 10 ponts - Plutonia 7: Going to the Hell 8 points - Ancient Aliens 7 points - Going Down 6 points - Struggle - Antaresian Legacy 5 points - Valiant 2 points - TNT: Revilution 2 points - TNT: Threevilution 2 points - Eviternity 2 points - The Ultimate Doom (I quite enjoy episode 4) 1 point - TNT: Evilution
  5. Oh wow, this stuff is really good, def notifying the rest of the group Do you have a soundcloud or anything sort of like that? We're planning on wrapping up all the main mapping stuff by the 31st, so imo it'd be better for anyone interested to get some finished pieces, we don't wanna put any pressure on you Can't speak for the other members or the project lead though
  6. That sounds cool, do you have any tracks of yours you could show us? A decent ammount of people still don't have a midi for their map
  7. Here's some sneakpeaks from my friend group's upcoming upcoming community project, these were made by my friend @NaN Dude's so talented it's insane
  8. Def true, I haven't used it much but I got this one for free and it's a couple gigs big, variety seems very nice Royalty free stuff seems like the go-to option for anyone w a project in mind
  9. Honestly, having used Sound Ideas before, the price tag looks scary at first but you can make your money's worth in the long run (Haven't really bought it tho, I was using a school workstation that happened to have it lol)
  10. Man, crazy colors I fucking got, this stuff is actually broadening my horizons when it comes to palettes. When it comes to gameplay though... This stuff is putting the fear of God in me, what the hell Got through e4m1 with 5/7 secrets and all monsters, currently stuck on e4m2 after I made my way out of the toilet-stall-hell-dungeon that had one of the keys, I have 6 health and no radsuit, idk where to go and I feel like I should start over Certainly earned that map title
  11. Huge fan of crazy colors I'm gonna try and not spoil myself too much on this thread and just pick it up and play it soon. Happy to see people finding solace with a hobby like level design, hope things get better over there
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