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About hari

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  1. Here you have the latest version of GZDoom VR fork https://github.com/hh79/gzdoomvr/releases.
  2. The Unmaker works well but I'm not using any 3d weapon packs. I've just replaced gzdoom.exe with the latest gzdoomvr.exe. If somebody decides to use an additional weapon pack it will probably indeed breaks the mod. I'm really enjoing playing DoomCE, thank you for your hard work. I've waited for a proper Doom64 conversion to be able to play it in VR.
  3. I've briefly tested it and it works reasonably well but you have to make some adjustments. First of all you should disable Screen Tilting, Motion Blur and Weapon Sway. When they are enabled, shaking of the screen could make you easily sick in VR. Also, when I was playing with default speed 30hz sometimes there was a stutter, so I had to increased it to 35hz. And of course the world scale should be increased to at least 48 from default 32, otherwise sprites look gigantic.
  4. hari

    DOOM in VR

    There is a VR fork of GZDoom https://github.com/hh79/gzdoomvr/releases, it uses OpenVR so Valve Index should work. Unfortunately some users report problems with controller bindings for Index
  5. I've enjoyed wad very much till the second arena of map 10 Black Gold. There is a huge spike in difficulty on UV with a pistol start. I've finished previous maps with maximum 2-3 deaths, but I cannot pass this one even after hours of trying - I don't usually save in the middle of a fight. There is no place to cover and there is not enough armour or health. I'm not a fan of modern slaughter maps so I was very pleased that earlier maps were not very difficult and had great pacing. I wonder if the next maps are on similiar difficulty level as map 10 or Black Gold is an exception ? Otherwise I love that maps are connected and custom enemies are great. My favourite is a flame caco.
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