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About NightTerror

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  1. E2M9 UV-max in 45.51 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4g0wRaQWPWQ e2m9m045.zip
  2. E3M4 NM100S in 2:55 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOVc_FCY31M sig4ns255.zip
  3. E3M3 UV-max in 1:56 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDAOTMerhhw sig3m156.zip
  4. Map 23 UV-max in 4:57 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Adl5yDSyEpo je23m457.zip
  5. E3M5 UV-max in 2:40 yt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0viyYdYebH0 e3m5m240.zip
  6. 2P Co-op UV-max with MasterMedi Map 01 in 0:55 Map 02 in 1:37 s202mc137.zip s201mc055.zip
  7. Map 08 uv-pacifist in 0:43 Just showing the possibilty, I'll let someone else improve it boscp08p043.zip
  8. Map 25 UV-MAX + Reality in 7:15 youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6ppVJPevRY lv25mr715.zip
  9. Category 1, dead on map 19 with 9 kills, exited map 18 at 1:57:27 (117:27) Secrets found: -1% ironman-xmaschill-nightterror.zip
  10. Category 2 survived + secret map in 28:15 ironman-doome1-nightterror.zip
  11. Category 1 Dead, 175/243 kills at about 14:35 Some bad RNG, some bad decisions... ironman-sharp-nightterror.zip
  12. Category 1 Dead on Sucker Punch 2 map 5 with 67/81 kills Exited Sucker Punch 2 map 4 at 33:01 ironman-suckerpunch-nightterror.zip
  13. Category 1 Dead on map 7 with 4/11 kills, exited map 6 at 22:29 BS death, but I deserved to die many times in earlier maps so I can't complain somewhere-ironman-nightterror.zip
  14. Has 09 been done pacifist yet? Should be a lot easier than some of these you guys have done, I got close a few times. You can skip the part with the elevators with an archvile jump (I believe that's yellow key, so the order would be yellow-blue-red)
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