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Everything posted by Tony_Danza_the_boss

  1. 16 anyday. Eternal is a cartoon Mario platform-a-thon with great combat when not having to farm useless fodder enemies for ammo every 20 seconds.
  2. I have run into this problem as well. GZDoom does not recognize the Master Levels as an IWAD selection in the pop-up menu when you first boot it up. Currently, the only way I play them is by opening the folder with the individual levels (WADS) and dragging them onto Gzdoom and selecting Doom 2 as the preferred IWAD. Just control click and highlight project brutality if you want to play that with each level. Obviously the downside is that you will have to pistol start each level each time and back out of the game when each level was finished. If it's any consolation, I think that's how the Master Levels were intended to be played anyways. If you want to compile WADS like the Master Levels so you can have a continuous playthrough, there is WadSmoosh, however I have not used it in quite awhile since Zdoom and am unsure if it is compatible with the current build of GZDoom
  3. I haven't played it and don't think I will. VR is just too demanding of an investment in addition to requiring the space in a room to be able to use it properly. Give me a mouse and keyboard anyday over a VR headset.
  4. Final Doomer feels balanced. Specifically Ancient Aliens loadout, but the BFG is definitely overpowered.
  5. Any WADS or TC's that feature Jurassic Park-themed locales or just dinosaurs in general? I love JP and the franchise and haven't seemed to have found one yet. Yes I've played Turok
  6. Golden Souls 1, 2 (and looking like 3) should be right up your alley
  7. Exactly my feeling towards Eternal as well. I think you hit the nail on the head for Doom 2016. That game is just about near perfection as I can imagine it. The vibe, tone, atmosphere and combat all just screamed Doom, where Eternal just feels like it goes way overboard. What I love about 2016 is it kept the story extremely simple: Doomguy (Slayer) the UAC, Mars, Hell Portals. demons, lots more demons, and Hell. That is all a Doom game ever should be and all it needs to. This convoluted lore and page after page of codex reading is so inane and not Doom I honestly can't believe there aren't more people turned off by it. Do people really prefer to read pages of codex lore in their Doom game? It just goes so against what the original team at Id did with Doom and its minimalist story that it's just really jarring. I really enjoy the character of Samuel Hayden, and believes he acts as a perfect foil to the Slayer, but all this Seraphim nonsense and the Urdak storyline with him just kind of ruins it for me imo. He went from being a true Machiavellian yet simple to understand character willing to act in his and humanity's interests even if it compromised everything on Mars to this now extremely powerful deity with more pages of lore to read and backstory. I'm not even against having a complex story, but couldn't have Id just shown us this through gameplay instead of locking it behind the codex pages? I'm right there with you on your feelings about Eternal, and having played through almost all of Ancient Gods P1 at this point I'm pretty disappointed this will be the direction Id will be taking with future Doom titles. Edit: Also find it baffling the epic cliffhanger from 2016 was completely unaddressed save for a BRIEF reference in a codex page. What an opener Eternal could have been with you battling your way back to Mars to retrtieve the Crucible (which is also disappointing as it is a glorified 3 charge chainsaw replacement) from Hayden.
  8. No and the fact that the Doom Slayer is Doomguy still bothers me. It's just incredibly fan-fictiony and really made me do a physical cringe when I saw that scene. I hope Id doesn't go all in and tie these games together as canon and just lets them be vaguely referential in the future but I doubt it.
  9. Call me simple but I adore this WAD/TC. Pirate Doom oozes in charm from its swashbuckling aesthetic in literally ever area of the game. The flintlock pistol, the cutlass, the reskins of the enemies, the way the imps lose their pirate hats when you kill them, everything about it just is incredibly enjoyable and I've found myself replaying this TC more than even vanilla Doom. So my question is, are there any other WADs out there like Pirate Doom? I think what makes it so enjoyable is that it puts atmosphere and and level design above gameplay. The sunken ghost ship, the graveyard ghost fight, the hedge maze leading to the castle level, all of these are just excellent levels and the variety of each level makes it just a joy to see how different and pirate-themed the next one is. I guess what I'm getting at is are there any WADs out there with the level of theme and atmosphere on point with Pirate Doom, specifically but not limited to Total Conversions.
  10. Been looking for one as well. These days always just go back to my good old Thief and Deus Ex when I need my stealth fix
  11. Eternal's plot is so fanfiction that at this point all Wads probably are canon at this point
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