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About noob_killer012345678

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  1. Mostly ccompatibillity! GZDooM messes with a bunch of stuff, and even with "Doom (Strict)" mode enabled, things still arent like they are suppost to be
  2. I was part of 2022 making a kinda rushed but map, this time i wanna be more fleshed out
  3. Loved it. Also noticed that the yellow key room has a soft lock because the vodoo doll opening the door doesnt permanently open the door
  4. Just a quick mention on one thing i noticed while playing the map. You changed the trap in the middle of the castle. I had made it so it looked like a floor and then the monsters appeard without any teleport fog by instantly going up, but you made it less of a suprise by making the mosters visible from the start. Any way you could revert that?
  5. i ban the person above me for not understanding comedy I ban the person below me for disgracing the lord while in a church
  6. I ban the person above me for not understanding compression (The pfp is of all the undertale characters standing in a heart shape btw)
  7. I ban the person above me for continuing to break the rules that youre suppost to go down I ban the person below me for calling themselves a streamer even tho the only go live once every blue moon
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