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About Tetzlaff

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    Sator Arepo
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  1. Bitterman (Quake 2 silent protagonist / Q3A fancy player model)
  2. As far as I remember only the chaingun has tracers.
  3. Tetzlaff

    Doom 3: Phobos

    Try some of the config settings in this thread:
  4. Tetzlaff

    Doom 3: Phobos

    I'm curious: is there a visit to hell in Episode 3? It's of course not mandatory, but I would love to see a Team Future version of hell.
  5. Project Eden, an action-adventure by Core Design, released 2001. Great setting and atmosphere and really nice puzzles, where you need to cooperate with your team members, who all have different abilities. Only thing that could have been better was the combat, which was a bit under-developed and tame. Here's a video:
  6. Tetzlaff

    Doom 3: Phobos

    Wow, great news! I will replay the whole Phobos mod soon, including the new episode. Best Doom 3 mod.
  7. I have no experience with Trenchbroom, but basic scripted sequences work the same in Doom 3 as in Quake games: you have a trigger for the player to activate that is linked to other entities. It shouldn't be fundamentally different.
  8. They are not deliberately abstract. The level names most of the time suggest some purpose and sometimes the structures vaguely resonate with that. That vagueness is also something you often experience in liminal spaces.
  9. I think many classic Doom levels have an inherent liminal spaces quality to them: they often resemble human-made structures, but are now devoid of human life, and they all are places of transition.
  10. Looks very basic, to be honest. More like a learning exercise. A typical beginners oversight are the invisible light sources.
  11. Tetzlaff


    The Doom 3 version is way better than that whimsical pink squeaky toy!
  12. You have an interesting semi-abstract look there, gloomy athmosphere. Can't try your map at the moment, but I will check it out in the future.
  13. Mainly these two reasons. Thanks for your summary!
  14. You're welcome! I yet have to play those Russian bootleg addons (Deimos Panic seems to be part of a series) myself. Is it any good?
  15. That's what I was referring to. He quotes id's own description in the beginning of the video and then just brushes it away. Take "lightning-fast" for Action and "virtual reality" for 3D and you have a 3D Action-Adventure.
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