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About ViolentBeetle

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    Arch-Vile Connoisseur
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  1. You mean specifically 1024x1024 and with exit always being the same?
  2. How much liberty am I supposed to take? My plan right now is to basically take the kind of island seen on Erebus with the kind of building design present, but will probably map with more modern sensibilities. And I don't want to have the water pit and maybe lose some buildings that don't fit.
  3. Works for me. I will need MAP07 tags though. In case you want specific declaration: First map: E3M6 (Ultimate Doom) Second map MAP07 (DOOM2) Desired slot: MAP07
  4. I'd like to try to mix MAP07: Dead simple with E3M6: Mt. Erebus, and put it into MAP07 slot. I think I have a decent idea that would work for the two. When you said "Must provide secret exit" - you meant MAP15, right? Not that I need to carry one over from Erebus?
  5. Still got the table here Second column. Do you need anything more plain? I guess every name should ideally fit in 512x256 box, so they can be arranged in corners.
  6. Seems like if there are still problems, they are fairly minor. I will probably do one final playtesting when I have time closer to the end of the month and push out a release thread. I realized that I'm not any good at writing sector names, so not sure if the idea of names in the corner of the map is worth pursuing, but there will definitely be a credit lump. Maybe I should ask every participant to write their own signature?
  7. Damn it, I need to not upload files right before going out for a day. I uploaded some hotfixing. At least start should move where it belongs. @ChippiHeppu how attached you are to the fake doors in your segment? I think maybe it's better if they were real doors, or just remove all but one.
  8. I put some rebalancing and bug fixes in the OP, but I didn't have time to test it, unfortunately. Should still work. It will likely take another revision to shuffle big pickups around, but at least all disconnected sectors should be re-joined. I'm debating with myself whenever I should flip MAP31 segment, there's a merit to have it either direction.
  9. @Gothic Box I found the secret, but it's a little weird how it deposits me at the exit. But I appreciate extra cells. What if there was another key in the final battle that lowers, and you'd need that one to actually exit? Or just add a different zone that would deposit me to the purple room from bfg secret. Aditionally, I think having a rad suit and some health at the exit would help me finally get the cybers (Though with BFG it's mostly just me being sloppy). During the final battle, I think, an arachnotron teleported in stuck in a wall. Stepping into orange teleporter at the exit pad seems like a softlock, as an invisible wall blocks my access to the room with 6 viles and a cyberdemon. Speaking of which, can you give the lift that takes me to the room with 6 viles and a cyberdemon a different color? It belnds in a little too much. Something I seem to have forgotten before - red colored walls in the part where I get chaingunned are impassable even when they lower, which is also weird. If they need to be impassable for a reason I don't fully understand, can you maybe put a railing around them so I can anticipate it? Are those two guys part of a secret I didn't find?
  10. UMAPINFO actuallly supports individual backgrounds for exiting and entering maps, though they can not be animated. See for example: Solar struggle in its glorious 68 or so individual, neraly identical slides.
  11. I think I mentioned it earlier when discussing your segment that I might disable the opening from the south, because I might want to make it a path splitter, so I did that. The idea is that you need to walk around it to reach the yellow key to the north of it, that's why I didn't want a north-south connection to remain.
  12. @senpaigru went to get some difficulty settings and never came back. Maybe he's still around lurking. The map lingered in limbo long enough, so I'll accept it; will just remove some monsters on lower difficulties if author doesn't show up. Which means, only one map remains unaccepted. Unfortunately it's a pretty tough one, so it might take me a little more time to gather strength to play it again, lol. Hopefully not very long. Also, check out the swirly thing I may or may not use as intermission background.
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