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Everything posted by ViolentBeetle

  1. I am still working on it, but took a break for Hellevator. I've done another revision going by @Bridgeburner56 and after one last round of testing, I will finally be done with those seven maps I promise. The latest set of tests were conducted in PrBoom+ complevel 2. Download link
  2. If you are interested in doing megawards, Hellevator is now in public beta. You did all of my maps and I think MAP13, 15 and 27 or 28.
  3. So the sky is actually a wall texture. Meaning it's composed out of one or more "patches". To make a patch you need to put a graphical lump between P_START and P_END markers. This is not immediately obvious and might be the first point of failure for you. If your new sky texture is also 256x128 you can just call this patch R_SKY1 and call it a day, it will overwrite the original patch and produces the new kind of texture. If it's a different size, you would also need copy over TEXTURE1 lump from base game and change SKY1 texture. If you add a patch of different name you would also need to bring in PATCHES lump and add it there. SLADE has functionality for that if you right-click on your patch lump.
  4. Do you want a specific level to have this particular sky, or are you Ok with changing sky of the entire episode?
  5. Not really. I only found out how Going Down works after proposing this. But you can think it is if you feel like it.
  6. This really does sound interesting, but I don't think I would be able to work with sector limit.
  7. Yeah, originally I was going for something that is more resembling the chase, but there wasn't enough time for me to both make the whole setup work more reliably and map out multiple arena. Due to using boom my options to control cyberdemon's teleportation were a little limited. Perhaps some time later I'll try to remake it as non-speedmap to make it more complex.
  8. You don't add upper texture and offset middle texture so it's drawn over upper. I can never remember if it's 128 or -128. It should work in Doom and in boom you can use "create fake floor and ceiling" effect to make it transparent for good.
  9. Public beta is now released and ready for testing. The original post seems to have grown too big to post map list easily. I put it here. It's also available in CREDITS.TXT MAP01: The Lobby Mapper: @Shawny MIDI: Stealth Mode by Jimmy MAP02: The Cafeteria Floor Mapper: @Dranyan MIDI: Core by Stewboy MAP03: The Greenhouse Floor Mapper: @Repugnus MIDI: Hidden Anger by Mark Klem MAP04: The Archive Floor Mapper: @maxresdefault MIDI: The Haunted Supermarket by Cyriak Harris MAP05: The Toxic Slime Floor Mapper: ViolentBeetle MIDI: Basement Blues by Crunchynut44 MAP06: The Surveillance Floor Mapper: @Weird Sandwich MIDI: Prowler by Jimmy MAP07: The Office Floor Mapper: @donevan427 MIDI: Fragments by AD_79 MAP08: The Criminal Floor Mapper: @Mr Masker MIDI: Watching by Jimmy MAP09: The Dance Floor Mapper: @Blue_Juice_ MIDI: You Ain't The Boss o' Me by Jimmy MAP10: The Splatter Floor Mapper: @Captain Toenail MIDI: Nobody Told Me About iD Redux by silentzora MAP11: The Isolation Floor Mapper: ViolentBeetle MIDI: Serum by Fookerton MAP12: The Tech Testing Floor Mapper: @Juka MIDI: Prototype by James Paddock and Stuart Rynn MAP13: The Shivering Floor Mapper: Shawny MIDI: Ghostgrinder by James Paddock MAP14: The Chemical Production Floor Mapper: donevan427 MIDI: Permenance by AD79 MAP15: The Restricted Floor Mapper: @DFF MIDI: The Face of Wrath by Stewboy MAP16: The Temple Floor Mapper: ViolentBeetle MIDI: Blood of The Unworthy by Eris Falling MAP17: The Sewage Control Floor Mapper: maxresdefault MIDI: Battle of Chaos by Eris Falling MAP18: The Castle Floor Mapper: @DynamiteKaitorn MIDI: Jazz Jackrabbit 2 - Castle by Alexander Brandon (Sequenced by MaliceX) MAP19: The Sprawling Floor Mapper: Juka MIDI: Bassline by Mark Klem MAP20: The Molten Floor Mapper: Captain Toenail MIDI: Path of Destruction by Mark Klem MAP21: The Custodian Floor Mapper: @NeedHealth MIDI: clippings.mid by alphonzo MAP22: The Marbelous Floor Mapper: Shawny MIDI: Trigger by Jimmy MAP23: The Hickory Spire Floor Mapper: DFF MIDI: Run 'em, Gun 'em, Kill 'em by Jimmy MAP24: The Cracked Floor Mapper: @galileo31dos01 MIDI: Organic Gods by Mark Klem MAP26: The Unforgotten Floor Mapper: Shawny MIDI: Risk by Stewboy MAP27: The Slaughter Floor Mapper: @Zolgia108 MIDI: Emperor - The Prophet MAP28: The Womb Floor Mapper: Dranyan MIDI: unholy.mid from Blood by Monolith Productions MAP29: The Penthouse Mapper: ViolentBeetle MIDI: Hades' Walls by Jimmy MAP30: The Roof Mapper: ViolentBeetle MIDI: Gibraltar by Fookerton MAP31 The Basement Mapper: @BluePineapple72 MIDI: Get Them Before They Get You by Bobby Prince (Remix by Jimmy) MAP32 The Subbasement Mapper: @Mystic 256 MIDI: Lunar Scilab from Descent
  10. I did manage to raise platforms by 128 by covering every side with 128 units tall textures. Is this a fix introduced in crispy doom? I think AASHITTY just covers nothingness.
  11. I have no idea what you tried, but map name actually exists in two forms, as a piece of text embedded in code (For automap), and as a picture (For intermission screen). The former is done by creating a DeHackEd patch and most ports can handle it embedded in the wad (Not sure about choko, since it's very faithful) the latter is done by just replacing CWILV sprites. I think this topic covers it or some other nearby:
  12. I figured out how to clean up my previous experiment. So here's a properly green patch of cracked or scratched wall. It tiles in all directions and paletted for doom.
  13. I deleted and re-uploaded the file because there was a missing tag, hopped you wouldn't notice (As you haven't yet reacted like you usually do). The current link in the post seems working.
  14. My last minute entry to Boss Battle Bonanza (So uses texture pack from it as well) - "Come Out And Fight Me Like A Man!" The idea seemed better in theory than in practice - the final result ended up pretty easy with no good way to make it more difficult. But I think it's still fairly entertaining. The map was tested in zDoom, as per project's premise, but I think it will work in anything Boom-compatible. Not tested though. ComOutAndFightMeLikeAMan.rar
  15. Made a little patch that fits on the wooden panel out of my great uncle's self-portrait. It didn't palette all that well, but it can still work if are tired of that demon painting hanging on your walls.
  16. It's an invisible sector with mid texture aligned so it's drawn over the wall. Boom can make sector invisible natively by using 'create fake floor/ceiling" linedef action. Once you press a button the sector retracts opening a passage and pushing texture into floor or ceiling. If action says "lower" but target height is higher or vice versa, the sector will move instantly.
  17. Oh, didn't think of it. I'm not really sure what compression is visible there, but I'll probably experiment some more with better original photograph.
  18. The photograph was made in jpg, I don't know what converting it to PNG would achieve. It won't get any better.
  19. Also dumb idea I attempted before, new and improved now that I know how stamp tool works. Colorize the grayscale version at your own peril.
  20. Wanted to try and make texture out of a piece of a fake brick wall that was vandalized by my cat. I still haven't figured out how to deal with palettes, so slade was a little weird about it. Original: After being coverted in slade: I don't think I have any uses for it, but maybe someone might like it.
  21. Here's some nice list: https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Adding_custom_music I suggest going for Jimmy first, he's the most prolific one.
  22. I don't think I ever had a proper embarrassing beginner phase because I was playing Doom since the ninties and read a lot about mapping before I got an idea so good I tried to make it and by then the tools were good and I knew a lot of theory. I guess the only really bad thing I did was literally when I was making my first map and I for some reason thought doomguy was like 128 units tall and by the time I realized by mistake it was too late to fix. And the map was supposed to have a lot of verticality, if you one of the three and a half players to played my Hell Frontier wad, that concept became the Flesh Mines. So by the time I gave up on this project, I was so thoroughly traumatized that whenever I make an area where it's possible to walk 128 units straight and not hit anything, or has vertically tiling textures I'm having a panic attack. There are a couple of maps I half-assed and don't think there's anything to be proud of, like my contribution to 2048 units of vr which was made in 3 hours because I didn't want to be left out and couldn't think of anything better, but it's at least functional.
  23. What I was trying to communicate is that there's no reference sector naturally adjacent thus I would need to link all of them to control sector of target brightness. I guess Drawing a think sector across the arc or drawing a control sector behind mid texture are my better bets.
  24. There's a lot of sectors I would like to change brightness in Boom format on trigger, but putting control sectors for each would be hard (There's a lot of them). Any trick I can use? Basically it's Hitler's portrait in an arch made of countless sectors, that should darken when shot.
  25. You need to covert format to Doom graphic. You can see your lump is listed as Graphic (PNG). Your buttons look different from mine, but I think converter is still the button with square and the circle.
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