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Everything posted by ViolentBeetle

  1. About to populate my submission to Embryo community project. Surprisingly a lot can be fit into 1024x1024
  2. Most of those seem like a result of an unclosed shape. Maybe map contains author's signature in lines or something? Or some kind of guidelines? Shouldn't really be a problem. I don't know where 0-length line could come from.
  3. FInally blocked out the layout of the map. Things should go smoother from now on
  4. An idea I got for recutting vanilla texture.
  5. It's this time of the year again when I'm nagging about finishing the project. We are what, 4 maps short?
  6. I made it to the room with the foot but don't know what to do there - is this where the map ends for now? The ledge in the plasma gun pit is still very bouncy, though I made it out this time. The space behind yellow key is too narrow to pass through which is weird.
  7. An idea for a community project I had at one point but will probably never realize - The Only Map We Got. Make a small techbase suitable for an opening, then everyone edit it to make it look expanded or redecorated.
  8. SALDE actually can copypaste texture definitions between multiple wads along with patches. So that can be done.
  9. I must confess that this time I actually forgot when the deadline was after being buried under other activities, but this project is the next thing on my agenda.
  10. There is unfortunately no good way to do so. PNAMES is the narrow spot that can't add multiple wads' content. The best you can do, if simply sticking to one version of texture pack is not an option for you, is probably this (Assumption is that you use SLADE): Take the current texture pack and copy PNAMES, TEXTURE1 and TEXTuRE2 from it into your wad (It probably only going to have one of the textures, depending on how it's set up) Add your own textures into your wad Right-click on texture lumps and use "Add to TEXTUREx" context menu When new version of resource pack comes out, delete PNAMES, TEXTURE1 and TEXTURE2 and do it again Load IWAD, then texture pack, then your wad, in this order Flats (Floor and ceiling textures) don't need this treatment and just need to be placed between FF_START and FF_END
  11. One more thing came up - arguments for hitscan attacks for puffs and maybe also blood replacements.
  12. I once experimented with having a hitscan attack that makes multiple shots with no deviation, which mostly works. I even added an invisible projectile that flies by and spawns particles in spiral pattern. It worked, but I didn't like it.
  13. I have replaced the resource pack with the new version that shows includes @SpaceCat_2001 sky edits. In addition, I have manually edited the colormap to make teal color fade into darker blue and not grey, which was really off-putting. My SLADE is acting weird with textures, but it should work. @Nootsy-Nootsy you complained some time ago about missing green 2 textures, but as far as I see, they are there. Did I misunderstand you?
  14. Why would you need them? UMAPINFO specifically is designed to be able to work with default values.
  15. This seems very limited because it'll wreck HUD if you do anything significant.
  16. Some more ideas: Lighting: "Light stops blinking" should remove sector type 8. I don't know why it does not Trigger model for setting sector light (Set lighting to same as sector in front of the line) Transfer brightness to sector wholesale: Mostly useful to synchronize random blinks/flickers across the map when joining is not the option. Change sector brightness based on reference sector height: Probably a low concern but can be useful for some regulations. Something like adding Sector height - 256 to brightness of the sector. New type of lifts: Floor moves to trigger height. Sector moves to height of the sector in front of trigger, regardless up or down. Additional options: Fast/Slow/Instant; Returns or not. I doubt it would be possible to fit this on top of generalized actions, but maybe a new action, or just a few numbers. Just a minor quality of life: Create fake floor. Sometimes you want deep water or invisible floor under detailed ceiling. Ceiling variant can be useful, but there's fewer cases for fake ceiling in general Flags: NORETALIATION: Prevents monster from switching target to something that isn't player or player-friendly. Works best in conjunction with DMGIGNORED, but might also be useful for docile fodder INVINCIBLE: Thing can be targeted, but it doesn't lose health. Useful for things like monster raising shield. Make DMGIGNORED work on projectiles. Maybe Projectile Group too, but that seems less useful. NOIMPACT: Make projectile not die and not do damage on impact - this is in conjunction with my codepointer suggestions. Make it still stop when hitting obstacle, except RIP would let it fly through things. Codepointers: A_KillProjectiles(Type): Finds all missiles that have this thing as target (As in, sent by it), stop them and send them to death state, as if they hit something. Mostly useful for clearing projectiles on death, but might have other use cases. Optionally thing type can be specified. A_SendProjectilesToState(Type): Send owned projectiles to See, Pain, Missile or Melee state, depending on arguments or different codepointer variant. Use case: synchronizing various projectile mechanics to their originator animation. A_CountProjectiles(Frame, Number, Type): Count how many projectiles are in flight that have Target of this thing. Jump to state if equal or more than number. Optionally, specific type can be specified. Use case: Monster that spawns dormant projectiles over time than trigger them, in conjunction with A_SendProjectilesToState A_SetFlagOnTarget, A_RemoveFlagOnTarget: Meant to be used on projectiles, there are a few instances when I'd like to track if a projectile is still in flight on monster. Variants as player's weapon pointers. Can be used for something like pipe bomb from Duke3D. A_WeaponReadyAlt(Frame, Frame): Weapon ready, but specifies different frames for firing or switching away. Both can be disabled separately. Useful for something like "You planted a bomb and now holding detonator" Do something about ground monsters breaking and jumping up and down when shot while using SkullAttack
  17. One more thing I didn't think of yesterday. A_CheckIfAmmoDivisible codepointer for Duke Nukem style reload. I suppose you could track shots made, but that's too much of a deviation. Having one or more all-purpose counters might be useful on monsters to give them more complex patters.
  18. I think UMAPINFO should work on UDB now, so if you use SLADE to add UMAPINFO text with code MAP MAP01 { skytexture = "<insert texture name here>" } It should work. Sky transfer never worked in visual mode AFAIK. Unfortunately, I won't be able today to properly check the state of resource pack, but I'll be back tomorrow.
  19. Some of my wishlist (Names can vary): Codepointers: A_Move and A_Attack: Option to only do half of the A_Chase, either performing move only or distance-sensitive roll for going to attack without moving. A_SquashChase: Chase, but if trying to move on top of a shootable thing, the thing dies instead of pushing back. Useful for bosses. A_Rise(State): Imitates Arch-vile resurrection, with all related checks (Except for current state having -1 duration of course). If moster could be arch-violated, it would resurrected and go to certain state, otherwise it does not. A_CheckTracer, A_CheckTarget: Check if thing currently has them, and they are valid (ie not dead). Clear them if they are. Possibly jump to state if they are. Right now there seems to be no way to check if those exists without calling something that does something. A_RecursiveProjectile: The same as A_MonsterProjectile, but with 0 vertical offset and firing at a tracer. Spawn projectile can't target the tracer like that, except with being steered with A_SeekTracer, which is not conductive to fan fire et al. Add Boolean argument to A_MonsterProjectile that makes it course-correct based on the offsets (Right now projectiles don't change their course if they are offset, and fly parallel, which is limited) A_KillAll(MonsterType, Effect): Sends every thing with this type to death state, if type is not specified apply to all things with COUNTKILL and death state. Optionally spawn a thing on top of the course to create an effect. A_TeleportToRandomThing, A_TeleportToClosestThing (Target type, state, departure effect, arrival effect, telestomp): Teleport to a thing like final boss of Heretic does, can put things on departure and arrival like teleport fog, state where it would go if target is valid, does it telestomp at destination) A_CheckCollision(State, Radius, Height, Flying): Check if the monster with parameters specified would get stuck in something or not (Under Chase logic) if centered on the thing. Jump to state if not. Useful for spawning/changing to more picky thing (Larger monster getting spawned, monster spawning from projectile, previously flying monsters landing) A_SetMarker(Thing), A_UpdateMarker, A_DetonateMarker(Base, Mult, Splash, Radius): Imitating the archvile with a custom thing A_FireAtMarker: Like A_MonsterProjectile, but firing on the marker thing instead. Potentially useful for Hellraiser (I think this is the name for 2016 monster) attacks and such. Flags: FASTSHOT: Guaranted attack roll like fast monsters are enabled, even if they are not. FLOORHUGGER: Projectile doesn't die by colliding with floor or change of floor height less than 24 and keeps going. Like Maultaur projectile. Linedef types: Apply colormap when in sector (Underwater effect decoupled from fake floor/ceiling) Apply colormap to sector (Colored lighting) Apply colormap to sector when front side is non-zero height (Colored lighting that can be turned on and off by opening and closing control sector)
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