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Everything posted by ViolentBeetle

  1. Changing music every time you switch rooms doesn't sound like a good idea and will likely become grating really fast. I intend to pick something that is resembling original track, maybe even one of the long original tracks and stick to it for an entire level.
  2. I believe "Shown as 1-sided on the automap would prevent this. Balancing pickups is impossible on individual basis, this is something I'll have to do when assembling.
  3. @NiGHTS108 I assume Nazi aren't supposed to open the secret middle pillar though? Would be easy to fix it on assembly so it doesn't matter. @DoomGappy The concept is fine (For a late game room probably) though there are a few issues: The edges of the segment are on the boundary. It is forbidden to avoid creation of accidental connections. You need to push them back Linedef 43 (Skull switch in the bottom-right) is untagged, so it either does nothing (If we are lucky) or breaks the level by turning every untagged sector into a door. D-actions are the only ones to not require tag Sector 35 has an extra revenant so they are stuck Left connector is way too high to be usable. It's fine to just delete because 3 connectors are good enough. But you need to put something on that balcony I'm not sure what random teleport line is supposed to be. You can probably sacrifice it and use the tag for the linedef 43 - and move the treasure on the currently uninvolved wooden walkway in the west.
  4. I've got a few requests here, because IoS is a controversial concept. I do want it to serve as the map's ending and it should involve Romero's head. But I don't want a monster spawner - the map is meant to be exploratory and backtrack friendly and monster spawner would interfere with it.. No puzzle either please, people are likely all fed up by them. A lift stopping on the brain level would probably be ideal here. You can have Romero's head out of bounds if necessary You can have teleport closet off-map to to substitute for monster spawner if you want, or you can just place monsters normally if you please
  5. Yes, they will all be doors, passages etc, whatever would work for this specific situation. I wasn't sure how many tags are supported, it would probably be fine to go into thousands. You might be overdesigning if you need to, though.
  6. Yeah, they need to. You don't have to have all 4, so if one doesn't fit, you can get rid of it? Even 2 exits are acceptable since we'll need corner pieces.
  7. When I complained about "9 revenants" I was talking about the part before the forest where you fall into a pit with imp and mancubus, then press the button and large number of revenants shows up. It's probably fewer, but still feels way too many to fight with only regular shotgun and chaingun. I guess reducing number of arachnotrons might work. I guess it would also be workable if you remove the arch-vile spawn from the button instead. Edit: The reason I dislike Vile in the pit specifically is because he's throwing off the whole "Let's summon the cyberdemon and let it infight thing" - it's difficult to both evade the vile and the other monsters in the pit, meaning I'll have to clear the pit first anyway. I get that you don't want me to have rockets here and why so you can keep it. Still I'd prefer a non-secret BFG, just one shot to soften the crowd would be appreciated and offer some tactical options. I get notifications for all posts in topics I made, btw, and also quotes and mentions specifically.
  8. Imp behind the door (Thing 89) thinks he's stuck. Moving him 4 units back fixed the issue. I did it locally, if you want to change something you should do it too. Otherwise I see no issues and accept it.
  9. @Timilyo80 I can't really sugarcoat it - shotgun combat drags. A lot. The part where I must fight off like 9 revenants with only shotgun and chaingun was annoying, I forgot to mention it last time. I think it you reduce their number, nothing of value would be lost, while offering more dynamic. Also maybe put some health before the drop, being trapped in there on low health is bad. The battle for yellow key is more tolerable now but still drags. You already give out a secret BFG, I think if I had a couple more non-secret BFG shots to thin the crowd, kill the vile or damage cyberdemon it would be more dynamic. What comes before and after is good though.
  10. I'll try to get back to re-testing in a few days, quick poll for everyone else @senpaigru Still waiting on difficulty settings @Chookum Have you think of anything regarding the cleanup, like bringing skipped monsters into the final fight? @Lagoonatic Set up the invisible sectors yet? Have I forgotten about anyone else?
  11. @DFF Yeah, it's fine, I'll find where to place it. As long as we don't have too many of those, and so far we don't. @Raith138 The sector is fine and while I set the limit to be on the safe side, we can afford to go a little over it. I accepted both submissions.
  12. Time for some Micro-Nirvana, I think it's recognizable. TQ2_MAP21.zip Edit, forgot to add lighting, will do later. @Amiga Angel Everything seems to be in order now, I'll take it.
  13. @Amiga Angel Everything seems fine, but meaty walls don't work very well, please change for something more underhalls-like, like pipes. You can keep the bars, since they are not clearly fleshy, but snaking walls are a little too much.
  14. Oh right, somehow I missed that door. I think it might be useful to not open this door and have it only from the inside, which would make for a good routing piece. However this will only become clear when I start assembling.
  15. @Lina I'm accepting the submission, just want to confirm - there's no way to get from bottom-left to top-right, correct? But there is the other way around. @crug I'm going to accept this one too. The secret part is touching the edge of allowed area, but I can move it without issue if needed (The rule is mainly a safeguard against accidentally adding more doors)
  16. I can always delete superflous exits that didn't find pair while assembling. It's more about not needing to try and fit exits that don't fit your vision.
  17. @Oxyde Oh, that's nasty. I see what you mean, it's effectively the corner piece, 2 exits will become unusable. I will decide which ones when time come. @Bendy1 The pinkies are stuck as the steps are too narrow for them. If you turn those steps into 8 units high, they'll be able to go down (Obviously, you would need to lower platform). I think you should make doors that are just meat walls into permanent to not confuse people. The switch behind pinkies that open cacos doesn't really offer benefits. I think a single switch that both open walls and caco closets would be better for gameplay. @SCF No complaints, accepted. @Walter confetti The connectors aren't up to standard, not centered and not at a height that is compatible with others. Please think of a way to make at least one other on the level. @DynamiteKaitorn This will probably do for a early segment now.
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