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Everything posted by ViolentBeetle

  1. Since it's mostly about drawing the lines, it shouldn't be hard. But again, the problem is who's going to program that.
  2. Self-referencing sector will do it for you. Lower sector in the middle, but from the perspective of the renderer, the outer sector never ends, so it draws the floor like that.
  3. Doom won't draw the geometry behind the 1-sided linedef or non-sky upper texture. Perhaps UDMF can do something with portals, though it would not be conventional doom. You'd have to raise the building or lower the rocks. You don't have to have all buildings the same height, but you shorter structures should not overlap taller ones.
  4. So I didn't feel need to bump this topic because there wasn't a shortage of claims, but any brave (and capable) soul want to take wormhole-themed MAP15? The one with double the workload and 3 extra days? The specific specs are in the claim table, link to claim table should be in OP. Update: Brave soul is currently in, so we don't have free slots, again.
  5. 2 suggestions: Support for complevel 2 but with sky transfer. I think Crispy Doom does it. Linedef actions to change linedefs with the same tag to impassable and back (Monster only variants included) so we could finally have proper openable grates. (I checked the list, didn't find any reference to this two)
  6. Vertical pixel is slightly taller in Doom, but I'm not sure what you did. Everything seems correct to me.
  7. Hell cathedral Demolished hell cathedral This is the third map in the row that liberally utilizes floors lowering and changing texture.
  8. Jimmytex has them (The opening post to share our doom textures). I'm not sure they work as switches, so I added a button to the bottom myself.
  9. In Doom Builder you have option to save map into another file. Make sure the maps have different number though. However, it's better to use SLADE3 since it's better suited for resource manipulation. You'd have to use it regardless to add audio and the like.
  10. Some kind of room for sewer maintenance people The monorail car. You can't really do inside the tunnel in normal game though in the final version.
  11. All the texture definitions are stored in this lump and don't add together automatically, just overwrite.
  12. And you can drag it with right mouse button, but it might not be the best idea, because it will drag all vertices that are part of that, and thus might screw with the lines attached to them - like turn the door into a narrow and very tilted corridor. But it might actually work for you.
  13. In this particular instance, gzDoom seems to think keyed walkable line is a switch (Makes sense) while Boom thinks it's a door. I didn't find "You need Blue Skull to activate this object" in DeHackEd listing so I'm assuming Boom considers all custom locked door actions that discriminate between card and skull to be doors.
  14. Somewhere in the future I will need to change "You need a blue skull to open this door" message, which seems to be covered in DeHackEd, but gzDoom seems to have "You need a blue skull to activate this object" message in the same situation. What should I look into to change that as well.
  15. I wanted to give it some alien look, but it is something worth keeping in mind. Maybe I should consider some alternate sky with the original mountains.
  16. I personally like the floor, but can't pick a right texture for the building.
  17. It was supposed to be an arctic-themed map, but it didn't come across that well.
  18. I don't see the issue. Except perhaps you might want to covert image to doom format? Not everything can handle PNG.
  19. There's a discrepancy in the way complevel 2 and default PrBoom+ handle teleportation and my trick with candelabra. If people with wrong complevel is a concern and it's not too much hassle, can you replace candelabra with explosive barrel just in case? Doesn't seem worth the hassle of making full update.
  20. You can't block destination for the player. You'll have to block the teleporting line instead.
  21. Might be wrong load order. The load order matters for wall textures, but not flats, since the former are encoded in TEXTURE1 lump. It's also possible you didn't do all the necessary stages in regarding having PNAMES and TEXTURE1 lumps at all. Though I suspect the game would just crash.
  22. The main advantage of scroller is that I can scroll them in in an ambush state. I can also put them in rows and not worry about them bumping into one another and running off or builder deciding to split the sectors. Or at least I thought I could until today. Hence I am asking why is it they seem to not pass through the line retaining their formation.
  23. Here's some teleport closets. The monsters are scrolling to the right, where they pass through a portal. If they fail to arrive, they get to the next green line which has action 244 and tag matching the line to the left. It always worked for me, but now it does not - and monsters successfully scroll past that line and into the right end. What I could possibly be missing here? It appears the problem goes away if i add some distance between monsters, but it's not exactly convinient. There has to be something I'm missing about scrollers.
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