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Everything posted by ViolentBeetle

  1. Those beige computers are awesome. Are they based on anything?
  2. It wasn't very challenging but it was fairly amusing. I guess I could use the rocket dodging practice. I like your urban aesthetics, but I wish there was more to it than a single slaughter.
  3. Is it simply not OK to give negative coordinates to a patch in Boom format? I tried using lower part of the patch as a texture and it doesn't seem to work correctly. Do I need to cut patches in smaller units?
  4. While Flats (In FF) are actually just textures, PP are something called patches. Actual textures are assembled out of them in TEXTURE1 and sometimes others lumps. Slade actually can autocopy the textures between wads with all the necessary content.
  5. You can load another IWAD though -file command line argument, but it's not a good idea because wall textures are not cummulative.
  6. We are doing co-op accomodations from the start, btw. Something that wasn't properly done in Hellevator until later.
  7. I don't think UDB shows translucency either.
  8. I have recently released my first solo wad, first 11 maps of the planned megawad. MAP02 and MAP05 may give you troubles with the number of monsters, though most of them would idle in the small areas. Still, if your limits are holding, you might want to skip them. Those, and slightly smaller MAP10 are the exceptionally populated maps however, most others have 100-150 monsters. Everything is meant for pistol-start anyway.
  9. You can join sectors together by selecting the two and pressing J. Sound propagates on sector basis. It also means that if you put monsters on a scroller and they ride it into a sector where sound was heard at any point, they will become alerted.
  10. Haunted computers based on textures by @Gez It also comes in green, but I didn't make a gif. Unfortunately I could preserve that little shine in the corner.
  11. Seven days per map, continously (As is, you need to turn in your work no later than 168 hours after you announced your claim. Initially only one map per person will be allowed, but after the first wave, more claims can be made. The time starts when you announce your claim on the slot. The project itself concludes when all 32 maps are done, so no deadline. Hellevator has 3 days time limit and it took months to pick all the slots. We'll see how long it would take. Making good use of the space is encouraged, but it can be smaller.
  12. Yeah, I suppose there's not much point to keep two wads separate in the final version.
  13. More or less. I want to take CC4 textures pack and add some extra textures. I built my own texture pack in my own WAD, putting them into TEXTURE2 lump, but then I realized I would have only one PNAMES.
  14. Is there an easy name to merge two PNAMES lumps together? Will it be a problem if there's duplicated names because I accidentally grabbed some vanilla patches as well?
  15. I think vanilla has some restrictions on where platform would go, height-wise. I'm not sure where it is. Try offsettting your entire map closer to zero and see if the problem goes away.
  16. Added clarifications to the rules that I missed yesterday: The 7 days start from the moment you announce your intention to make a map. Not from April 5th (Or whatever start date will be). You can make a claim at any time as long as there are free slots (It took us a couple months to fill Hellevator) You may sign your map if you want to, but aren't required to.
  17. THE IDGAMES PAGE In January we have officially released Hellevator, a 32-maps megawad created by many very talented mappers. I also made some maps for it. It worked out pretty well, but now it's time to get a little more ambitious. Introducing Skulltiverse. Basically the same thing, but with more skulls. The premise of the wad: The UAC has discovered a magic blue skull that lets them travel into parallel dimensions through a so-called Skullgate (Pictured). Each dimension has a skullgate and a skull in it. Unfortunately most also have demons. Each map had to be "basically finished" in seven days. The playable area is also confined in a specific shape. The maps are arranged into 6 specific chapters: Techbase Corrupted Techbase Ruins Marble Hell Fleshy Hell Void All maps are made for pistol start. There's a few death exits to enforce it. The mapping format is Boom. Target ports: PrBoom+ and gzDoom Screenshots, one per chapter:
  18. I believe having music from Doom is fully acceptable as long as it's in different place. That is, this submission was probably rejected for actually including "Between Levels" as D_BETWEE. Conversely I recently uploaded a wad with "Dark Halls" as D_THE_DA and it was accepted. For textures I'm not sure. CC4-tex seems to have this kind of things and it's doing fine.
  19. Probably. You can see a flat based on this principle above. I I can probably even make animated if I put in some effort. But I'm all out of effort.
  20. Been using twist tool on CC4-tex for the last few days. Some of it turned out well.
  21. The tags must match between line and sector. So a line with tag 1 will apply its effect to sector with tag 1 etc.
  22. More consistent animated flat (Two versions merged together). I deleted one frame that didn't look right so it's a little jerky. But I think it works. Doesn't have the same Van Gogh quality though.
  23. Yeah, that makes sense. It's kind of a texture that's not very useful on a long wall, but as a short decoration it works ok.
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