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Everything posted by ViolentBeetle

  1. If you are doing it in Doom format, your options are limited. The only viable way would result in "door" sliding down rather than up. To do so you need to use several individually tagged sectors adjacent to door sector. Each switch will lower the sector to the lowest floor and near the switch place a repeatable line that makes door lower to highest floor (Or 8 above highest). This way once you flipped all switches, all guiding sectors will retract and door will lower into the floor. In boom format you still have this option but you can customize the sector movement the way you like. In any case you can join sectors (Select two sectors and press J) to have this adjancency happen away from player's eyes. You can check out My submisison for Cladestine Castle Crashing to see the logic in action - with 3 rods around the secret bfg. Additionally in boom you make a scroller floor that is blocked by several doors each opened by a switch. Once all doors are opened, a decoration could slide through and cross the linedef that opens the actual door. Doors are one of the few things that could be made to react to non-player object. In either case, an extra start (So-called Voodoo doll) can be used to perform complex actions of this kind.
  2. I'm in situation school. Depends on what works for a level. Sometimes neither lava nor nukage fit.
  3. @DooMAD Looks good. I will try them out later. Meanwhile I nabbed some rust from here https://www.deviantart.com/exchanged-stock/art/Coloured-Rust-1-33906438 and made it tile. I still can't draw or handle the palette change, but I no longer let it stop me. Just to clarify: It is paletted, but in a stupid way. Update: Also used some color magic to make I don't know what. Something bronze I guess.
  4. The cobble doesn't work well as a wall. I tried using it as flat for mixed results. Don't know enough to make it sharper as resized for flats.
  5. Revived my experiment with scratched wall. This texture is a pain to clean up, but I think it mostly worked out. Some are better than others. Blue one isn't very good.
  6. What is my purpose? You turn the light on and off on the loop.
  7. It didn't occur to me to try. I will try it the next time it happens. Problem is, I also used SLADE to colorize the grayscale flats to get a consistent color. And button was not available when identification failed.
  8. Developed a new flat to make it more portal-y. It's a little jerky because a frame didn't work out, but not really noticable.
  9. I don't know why. It just does. I managed to convert one batch of flats, but not another. The lump size is 4096 but does not register as graphics anymore. (It started working again between me posting and submitting, seems entirely random) Update: It seems problem is not conversion per se, but saving. Any save risks breaking the lump type.
  10. Portal flat for the upcoming community project. It works though it could probably be better.
  11. I think I have figured out, but still not sure. I wanted to make a new animated flat for Boom using ANIMATED lump, for this end I copied one from cc4-tex.wad over. Do I need to retain all the lines? I think they cover existing animations only.
  12. Appreciate the mention. I'm glad you enjoyed my projects. Your videos been invaluable to my progress and I hope your own mapping will work out well.
  13. Been doing preparations for the community project that will be announced soon. Experimenting with lighting. Not sure if it's worth the effort.
  14. If shotgun is the peak of what you got, probably imps. Revenants and cacodemons can serve as bosses. Zombies are dangerous at a distance, especially if all you got is a shotgun. Overall, fighting in open areas with only a shotgun is not very fun. If area is sufficiently open, consider at least giving away a chaingun. Or a rocket launcher.
  15. Map Name: Disdain for Plebs Author: ViolentBeetle Music: The Face of Wrath by Stewboy Format: Doom 2 Difficulty Settings: By monster count Build Time: 5 hours 40 minutes Gimmicks Used: Damaging floor in central area with a staircase. Hot start with caco swarm. Central platforming section (Sort of). Cyberdemon turret (But guards supercharge instead of BFG, BFG would break the map open) Comments: I never found time and energy to actually refresh my memories of Perfect Hatred. Updated the submission to fix some lighting, monster teleports and also have an exit sign. I think you avoided the version with game-breaking bug. disdain for plebs.rar
  16. Oh wow, I was certain I have untagged this. Must've been one of the changes eaten by computer crash.This is what I get for not checking my stats regularly.
  17. We on id games now. Post had been updated. The work on episode 2 will commence soon, after I finish some speedmapping obligations (Most likely). Will probably post maps in batches and not one by one.
  18. The future has finally arrived. Now I can uninstall the FTP client once again, I guess. And there's even a log in readable format that doesn't seem to randomly shuffle dates around.
  19. Just so you know, after the survival session I got confident enough to take this wad to idgames. If I did things right, it will soon be there. The only change from the last beta is removing wrongly placed tag that caused a random piece of ground go down whenever a lift in called on MAP06.
  20. That's a viable option but it wouldn't look particularly a lot like a safe anymore. I might as well just make a vault room.
  21. Can I make a wall safe-like structure in Doom format? Essentially something that can be locked, a pickable item inside but the room itself can't be entered and you can't ram into the room face-first and pick it through the wall either. The latter part complicates everything.
  22. Slowly preparing for a new project, tried making intermission screen out of a painting. I wish I could draw or at least actually edit pictures.
  23. Another update following coversation with @Keyboard_Doomer to fascilitate better multiplayer experience on MAP05 The wad now also contains text screen music borrowed from Strife, but it's a little inconsistent in different ports so I might replace it once again in the future.
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