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Everything posted by ViolentBeetle

  1. Yeah, there's no issue with Crispy Doom, problem is with everyone else not doing that. (I think gzDoom also did it for me, could be compatibility setting). Regardless I'll make time to break the lines to fit.
  2. Yeah, I tested it primarily in Crispy Doom and it breaks lines by default. I only recently discovered that other ports do not and I'll have to break them manually. Pretty annoying.
  3. @Caleb13 Thanks for reporting. I will take a look at MAP04 and MAP05. Will think on MAP01 too. The rest I actually changed already, just didn't release yet.
  4. In Doom builder textures have specified size which translates in map units 1 to 1. So if texture is 64 pixels wide, it is also 64 units wide. Exit door texture is kinda weird because there's a lot of stuff on it. Doom Builder also has visual mode that can help you view and align textures in real time.
  5. What exactly is the problem? From the post it's not clear whenever you have troubles adding new textures of similar style, utilizing existing ones or something else?
  6. @HAK3180 Thanks for playing. I actually went back to my previous maps and removed some of the viles I felt are unnecessary, same will probably be done with this one on revisions. The arch-vile who teleports after the blue key room switch is probably unnecessary, same with the final one. Incidentally, the blood wasn't supposed to be safe, I just forgot to tag it when I was mass-tagging nukage to be damaging. But now it might be actually a good idea (Although you were supposed to put on a suit for it to add some time pressure).
  7. I mean, you don't have to make yourself worry about visplanes just because you want to do Doom actions.
  8. I'm not sure why'd you aim for vanilla format except for hating yourself, but it looks pretty good.
  9. It also prevents anything from killing you. Although you probably would only notice it with voodoo dolls.
  10. I'm back to making Hell Frontier and now I made MAP09: Acid Trip. The usual applies: Doom 2 format, tested in Crispy Doom. No jumping, crouching, vertical aiming.
  11. MAP09: Acid Trip. Now I actually have 11 maps and might have a more logical episode. But I would need to rebalance the other 3 maps and not sure I have patience necessary. hf09.rar
  12. @siege cunt Thanks for the feedback. It's too late to rebalance MAP18 not, since it's supposed to be a speedmap. I was considering moving it earlier, but didn't feel any other available spot would be better. Decided to just make a disclaimer regarding uneven difficulty. Gonna take a look at missing monsters.
  13. Yeah, no such thing in Doom II. I think there's some in Plutonia. And Doom1/2 doesn't have an effect to scroll down.
  14. Yeah, the wad is really not meant for deathmatch, although MAP10 might actually work as one. The starts weren't required, but weren't deleted either.
  15. Thanks for your reports, some of should probably be fixed. Are you sure you gave the right number on this one though?
  16. What I did was thinning the area with a couple of bfg shots and then rocket them to death before they can reach the teleport. This is my favorite part of the map and it's also the one I found to be the easiest.
  17. We have completed a community project at the end of the year, it's currently in the last stage of catching bugs. It's 32 bite-sized maps, only a few are particularly hard (And difficulty curve is a bit uneven). It's in Boom format.
  18. A few more screenshots from the same map, still without lighting. There's a lot of nukage here.
  19. The big cavern. The button makes white rocks lower opening passage up. I will probably need to add light sources to justify lighting difference (When I make it).
  20. As far as I understand all you would need is to delete graphic and sound replacements from freedom and play it with Doom 2. You can use slade for that. Delete everything that isn't maps (Start with MAPXX marker and ends with BLOCKMAP each) and music (Labelled accordingly, starts with D_)
  21. Is there something weird regarding using action 40 (Ceiling raises to highest ceiling) to move multiple adjacent sectors? I tried using it to raise pieces of a wooden crate off-screen to make it seem like monsters broke out while you weren't looking, but this area keeps making grinding noises? I used multiple adjacent sectors to make floor appear uneven.
  22. When putting colored bars on the side of the doors is not good enough.
  23. This caught me off-guard today, I got so excited I forgot I have a key bound to take a normal screenshot.
  24. A few texture ideas that might be of use for this pack: Abstract demon face representation and maybe some other broad theme signifiers Light sources (Since mapper would like to remember where lights are) Exit sign I can't exactly draw anything decent myself, although somewhere down the line I hope to make a map out of your textures.
  25. I don't know if you have time for an entire megawad (Granted, the maps are very short) and also it will probably get officially finalized before you get around it, but I still think your commentary would be illuminating. So here's the Hellevator, I think you saw it on Discord before and showed interest.
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