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Everything posted by ViolentBeetle

  1. First of all, to manipulate content of the wads, you need SLADE3. Sky texture is actually a wall. Wall textures in Doom work kinda complicated, they are defined inside TEXTURE1 lump and made out of one or more "patches" that contain graphics. The pick for skies are hardcoded based on map number and textures are called SKY1 SKY2 and SKY3 respectively. Each of them are made out of single patch called RSKY1, RSKY2 and RSKY3 respectively. So, what exactly do you need to do depends on whenever your sky texture is the same dimensions (256x128) as original. If so, you can just put it in as RSKY1 between PP_START and PP_END markers and it will replace the original. If not, you'll need to import original PNAMES and TEXTURE1 lump and edit SKY1 there. The interface for texture editing is pretty intuitive, I think.
  2. Wait, what is it with the default skies? I thought we are importing custom ones? Did I miss something?
  3. Rotating teleport pad 30 degrees seems complicated, but yes.
  4. If we are talking outside of gzDoom, you can't rotate flats, let alone by 30 degrees. They are going to be stuck on a grid.
  5. Use actions and teleporters are sensitive to where the line is facing. Teleports need a destination thing placed in the tagged sectors. Make sure line and sector have matching tags, only some of the door actions can do without them.
  6. Yes, there's a sky transfer line type. It will transfer upper texture of this line to sky ceiling and lower texture to sky floor. You'll need to have a line for every tag with sky, including 0. Newer versions of most mainstream ports support UMAPINFO that let you define any texture you want as the sky for this particular level.
  7. Most likely. When you set out to build stairs, it will go to tagged sector, then go to sector on the other side of the line facing this sector and so on. They are also limited by floor flat. So make sure for each step there's only one line that faces it (And has the same texture on its back)
  8. Stair building effect will pick one sector that is on the opposite side of the line that faces the current. It seems it's picking the outside sector as the second step. You should flip the lines (Point at it or select and press F in UDB) so that all the external lines of the stairs were facing outwards.
  9. Door is just a sector with ceiling lowered into a floor and a line effect that makes it go up. Which part are you having problems with?
  10. Funny name suggestion for MAP03: "I wish line type 242 was real" Only people who are familiar with mapping might understand the reference to how much more convenient Boom makes creation of the invisible platforms.
  11. Do you plan on making a new release already and will wait for music?
  12. What format are you using? Realm667 is all built in Decorate or zScript, so at the very least you need format to support this.
  13. Noticed the OP is missing some texts. Here's my earnest attempt to recreate them after reading them a few times over. C1: You gloat over the steaming carcass of the guardian. You’ve wrestled the accelerator from the claws of hell. You look around. Damn! There doesn’t seem to be a working prototype anywhere – the demon must’ve taken it deeper with them. If you can’t recover it, all your efforts are for nothing. Keep fighting, keep killing, keep going through the demons until you find one that works. Oh, and don’t forget to keep living too. C3: You’ve based and battered your way into the Devil-Hive. Your mission becomes search-and-destroy for the evil Gatekeeper whose numerous offsprings are cascading into Earth. He’s bad, but you know someone who’s even worse! You grin evilly and check your gear as you prepare to give the demons hell of your own making. C4: The gatekeeper’s evil face is splattered all over the place. His destroyed body forms an inverse portal that sucks in the last of the prototype particle accelerators. You won. The hell is going back to pounding the evil dead folks instead of the good living ones. You should remember to ask your grandkids to put a rocket launcher into the coffin with you – in case you’ll need to do one final cleanup.
  14. By the way, I think you incorrectly deleted mapper for MAP12, even though I think DFF made it.
  15. My first version of MAP13. Might re-iterate on it later. The map refused to stick to my memory, particularly detailing-wise, and this is definitely the one from "If I don't remember detailing, it had none" school of thought. Map name: Bitcoin MAP13.7z
  16. Progress report, I've done layout, and it's completely busted. I may finish this thing today or tomorrow, it will be cursed. I'm pretty sure I turned rooms the wrong way, but I'm out of checks
  17. I'd like to try making MAP13 in the next few days. If I fail, I'll turn it back over quickly.
  18. Sky hack doesn't work on lower texture, unfortunately.
  19. @Nootsy-Nootsy I will accept your submission now, although the red button itself is probably better off being a button. Any objections to me replacing this back? I think everyone is pretty sick of D_RUNNIN now, so I want a custom midi on this map, if you have nothing, I will give it Devil's Grounds from Requiem, I think it fits. Everyone else. There's one month left until the deadline. If you have work in progress, near the end of the month you should post them and ask for individual extensions. If you don't, even if you posted progress before, I will assume you bowed out and never came back. The extension would be around a month or until I make my own map, whatever takes longer.
  20. I thought negative one is more about building the same map together, my idea is more about independent submissions that are all expansions/limited modifications of the same map.
  21. My plan right now is that by the May 1st you'll need to present a reasonably developed map and then there'll be some time to finish it. But I would not wait for someone who didn't make reasonable progress by May 1st. I myself might take advantage of it, because I keep getting sidetracking every time I have time to map.
  22. Creating actual flats would be against the theming of the project. It's supposed to be solid colors. As long as you can stay within limits while drawing sector art, it's acceptable, although you might want to show restraint still.
  23. No, I meant at the end of the tunnel. I get that you want things to be confusing, but this is just plain impending progression. And if someone misses the lost soul, like walking out of the room, it would once again be invisible.
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