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Everything posted by ViolentBeetle

  1. Probably better just remove this exit, if you still have others. This is everyone's reminder that you can delete 1 exit, we'll have plenty of edge segments. We'll need some corner segments too as well.
  2. @Amiga Angel didn't you want MAP03? I think MAP03 has more blue water. @ChippiHeppu if it's indeed Underhalls, I will swap you to MAP16 with the new date. Or do you just want to switch even if this isn't MAP02 Amiga Angel doing?
  3. @plomoknite Yes, this seems to be right, I accept it. @Bendy1 You seem to have moved the segment off-center (Not that big of a deal, probably) and it doesn't seem to have any connections. @DynamiteKaitorn The layout looks fine, but at needs at least some encounters in there. @stochastic Seems like it's all good. The climb on one of the exits is a little awkward, but shouldn't be a problem. I'll adjust it on assembly if necessary, probably won't be. The only thing is that the line that opens the secret switch is untextured, and I'm not sure what texture should it have.
  4. That's better, though connectors are the wrong width and not aligned to the center - do you use some kind of editor with no grid? They are also a little off height-wise but this can be addressed by using height offset. I can probably take this myself and move it to acceptance, if you have hard time doing so.
  5. Sorry, it's already taken. Check the spreadsheet in the OP to see what's taken, I made a fairly good job tracking so far.
  6. The segment needs connections at the middle of the edges. At least 2 of them. That's the whole idea of the project. The one on the south is an obvious choice, You can probably add one to the west (Maybe use TEKGREN corridor, you'll need to move the lift thing up) or one from the river - though it won't work as a secret in this case. Maybe it can be open from the start.
  7. I see. So the idea is to have me enter and for eye switches to let me leave through other doors. I would have to add switches to the other side or something, but it'll work. Congratulations on being the first to submit.
  8. If there were teleporting monsters in the original, they would be allowed, but I don't remember any in Chasm. I'm also not sure what you expect to do with Voodoo dolls on complevel 2.
  9. I'm not sure which part is unclear. On a sample map there's 4 FIREBLU walls - this is where other segments will start. Your submission must be confined to a square and not ineract/share geometry/open to with other parts. When we have all the submissione, I'll stitch them together to form 1 map. Heights are given to ensure all connections are walkable.
  10. Will be part of Quilt map. So MAP24 for you it is. While we at it, please don't make inescapeable pits. I know Chasm had them but they are no fun at all.
  11. The deadline is individually a week since the claim. It should be enough to to make a tiny map based off existing one, it's mainly to prevent people from taking it and forgetting.
  12. So I will be reacting to your claim posts, that means I saw them; I will also add them to table (You can see it, right?). I won't individually reply to claims.
  13. Previously on... >>>GET YOUR BETA HERE<<< Most recent update: June 19th TODO: Automap name Credit lump Intermission backgroun Probably better titlepic too Probably intermission music Likely sector author names Get feedback, improve balance further Rules for submissions that are no longer relevant, but worth keeping for reference:
  14. Got an idea for a forcefield texture, not sure if a good idea. Frames: Update, thinner grid, fewer frames. I forgot to save gif and don't really care to redo: (This actually looks badly in the game, I have some ideas about it though) Swirly thing I cut it out of (Formerly was a FIRELAVA texture):
  15. @DeetOpianSky Replayed the new version of Hollowmind. I think you forgot to lock the teleport to the final area I shot a tiny hole near blue key and somehow missed the monster closet trigger. What does it do anyway. I think in a yellow key fight I missed the trigger to lock me in, but I'm not sure. I fell out of arena and had to come back. Monsters get stuck on the platform that goes up as I climb at the start. It's only pinkie and a couple of imps so it doesn't matter much Beside that, I think the map is ready. Maybe you should teleport extra rockets into the final battle each time I make the figure lower the shield?
  16. @Gothic Box I made it to the exit, but I'm missing close to 100 monsters. Are they in a secret? And I think the final fight could use one or two more rad suits. It's currently way too tight for me, I ended up using IDBEHOLDR in the end.
  17. And I'm back for testing. @HiMyNameIsChair This poor guy got stuck I guess his return teleport was blocked by one another monster. And he can't make it to the left because he's being scrolled hard. You can probably add a diagonal line teleport line that he could actually cross or something. And in the other similar closets I guess. This is the only problem I had. @Timilyo80 I made it to the woods, and I shotgunning large groups of monsters is getting old at this point. I'm not sure how to even play it without secret BFG, but even with one, it's not much fun. It can probably use a rocket launcher, or actually accessible BFG, or less roaming arch-viles or something. I can probably make through this section, but I'm not having much fun doing it. Loving the look of the forest though.
  18. After some consideration, I turned the markings on the road into fake floors so the view level doesn't needlessly bob, added couches to the club which shouldn't be too obstructive and player-proofed the sink. waterfront_v3.zip
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