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About happy_mac

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  1. Many thanks! I haven't tried it on other source ports, but I believe it works in ZDoom too. Edit: it only works with GZDoom. ZDoom spats out an error.
  2. Brilliant idea! “You got the Absurdly highly Tactical “silent” knife!”
  3. I have been working on a custom weapons pack, with working reloads. Soon I will add even more weapons, like shotguns and smg's. I will try to make a working MP5 and P90 at the moment.
  4. I need to find a quality p90 model from somewhere. I got some ideas but i have to figure out how I will obtain it.
  5. Indeed I do, I have been thinking of adding a good looking MP5 model, some more shotguns that aren't full auto lol and some more pistols (Deagle & USP come to mind).
  6. That will be fixed soon. I'm going to make two types of reloads, as stated in the txt file of the wad. One will be that, the other will be a full drum release.
  7. Hello, long time no see! (I haven't been here in 2 years lol) I have come again to show you something that I have been cooking for the last one week. I have made a tactical weapons pack, with reloads and custom ammo. I'd like to hear your opinions on it. This will be actively worked on. I have some ideas for more weapons in the future. More info in the txt file of the archive and in the wad it self. Cheers! happy_mac Link for download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/updn8yaik79nimz/happy_mac%27s_Tactical_Weapons_Pack_V1.01.zip/file (Doomworld doesn't let me upload it directly since it's 3mb) Edit: Mediafire link
  8. Btw you will need some settings Set in GZDoom like reflective floors and stuff.
  9. Well in the begging of this year I made a little demo WAD. Its called "Late For Work Demo" (has some issues which might get fiixed soon). https://drive.google.com/file/d/148mOEnPwp2wpml3_ygIkxeZ5vBLzUApP/view?usp=sharing (wad is quite big to upload it without external source). I'd me much proud if you play it for me. Thanks in advance
  10. Glad you liked it. Well in those situations where you were low on ammo, you could have used the knife in slot one. This could have helped quite alot. Gonna fix the lights in the first room to be less flickery. Tried to go with that Half-Life style of gameplay. But alot of issues will be fixed soon. And most importantly, Thank you for playing!
  11. Hello doomers, Couple of months ago I made a (pretty) short wad. This is the one, I'd recommend not playing it doe. This time I took some effort (even it was little) to expand this wad. But enough talk, here is some info and screenshots: IWAD: DOOM2 Levels: 1 Source port: GZDoom Custom weapons/monsters: Yes Custom textures: Yes Custom Music: Yes Feedback will be much appreciated. late_for_work_demo2.zip
  12. I like the art style of the wad. Tough which I really liked. The architecture looks great. Well all I can say is keep it up with the good work.
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