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About Khodoque

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  1. Oh no, I don't have any trouble picking engine, I am learning Godot, have released couple of small projects on it already. I have considered Unity, it has certain strong points for me personally, but it is more and more mired in controversy and I just like Godot better.
  2. Oh, I am definitely not giving up on what I'm doing, but I am giving up on GZDoom. I do want to get this game into a finished state, but don't expect it to be long. I will add one or two levels, bring back dialogues from the very first iteration of the game. There are some hurdles I've ran into, and while they aren't insurmountable, I feel like I'm better off investing my time into learning a proper engine rather than limiting myself for the sake of novelty.
  3. Which is weird since I haven't made any trailer. Yes! This thread is officially blessed! Though to be fair, I was going for that specific style, so I can't really complain when everyone is saying that. Nah, Blender+Aseprite.
  4. Hovercraft actually in 3D! PS1-style vehicular combat GZDoom game I've originally made for 32bit Jam 2022. Grab it here: https://khodoque.itch.io/rough-waves
  5. One day I will stop being lazy and actually make a forum thread about this project here.
  6. I'm gonna indulge in some paranoid ramblings for a bit. Members of moderation team had recently made a modestly unpopular decision involving certain modestly popular community project, had to backtrack on it due to modest backlash it caused, and immediately this rule change pops up. The cause is good, and it's fine if administration does not wants known harassers in their community, but one interesting part is "other users who facilitate such conduct going unaddressed". This recent controversy involves a certain community that declares free (or at least free-er) speech as its founding principle. This of course involves certain amount of fecal matter being thrown at each other and people outside, and while I haven't seen examples of them bringing said matter here (albeit some Doomworld members thankfully provided us with free samples for research), this still falls under "facilitation of such conduct". Now, you see, there is a little trick that governments and similar ruling bodies like to use where they shield underhanded or repressive policies from criticism by slapping a noble cause on top. Not gonna give any examples as we do not need to get political, but suffice to say pretty much every government is guilty of doing that at one point or another. Point is, this rule change is fine on its own, and as I said, it has a noble cause, but the context and timing makes it all sound extremely fishy, and with a bit of tin foil and a handy corkboard you can deduce who it may actually be targeted against, so this might be one of the reasons why many feel uneasy about it.
  7. And the following level has an underground sector shipwreck even.
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