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About Blackpuppy

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  1. The Terminal is not important, per se. I just used it to spit out the file path for me automatically so I didn’t have to type it out by hand. As for the misc.cfg file… I don’t exactly remember where it is and my computer is 400 km away.
  2. IIRC, Sponge updates Doom and Nightdive Studios update Quake.
  3. My example was me figuring out my problem and maybe that would help OP with their’s.
  4. I had this problem, albeit in Eureka. I had raised the floor to the ceiling whereas you have to lower the ceiling to the floor.
  5. Eureka! I got it to work! It's a bit of a hack, but it works. When you reminded me that on the Mac, .apps are actually folders, a light bulb went off in my head. I went to GZDOOM and went: right click -> show package contents and I found the executable inside. Then I dragged the executable towards Terminal to get the correct path and then I opened the misc.cfg files in the Application Support folder and copied and pasted the following: port_path zdoom |/Applications/GZDoom.app/Contents/MacOS/gzdoom I'm sure that if I renamed Chocolate Doom to ChocolateDoom, it would work as well. I think we can say this mystery has been solved. Thanks for your time and help!
  6. Clicking on Tools -> view logs, I get the following with Chocolate Doom: Changing current dir to: /Applications Testing map using the following command: --> ./Chocolate Doom.app -iwad /Users/blahblah/Documents/Video Games/Doom Wad files/doom2.wad -file /Users/blahblah/Desktop/Testing1.wad -warp 1 --> result code: 32512 And with GZDoom: Changing current dir to: /Applications Testing map using the following command: --> ./GZDoom.app -iwad /Users/blahblah/Documents/Video Games/Doom Wad files/doom2.wad -file /Users/blahblah/Desktop/Testing1.wad -warp 1 --> result code: 32256 When I do what you asked in Terminal, I get the following: (and it took me a while to get Chocolate Doom.app to work because of the space in the name. Had to Google that...) Blahs-Mini-3:applications blahblah$ ./GZDoom.app -bash: ./GZDoom.app: is a directory Blahs-Mini-3:applications blahblah$ ./Chocolate Doom.app -bash: ./Chocolate: No such file or directory Blahs-Mini-3:applications blahblah$ ./Chocolate-Doom.app -bash: ./Chocolate-Doom.app: No such file or directory Blahs-Mini-3:applications blahblah$ ./Chocolate\Doom.app -bash: ./ChocolateDoom.app: No such file or directory Blahs-Mini-3:applications blahblah$ ./Chocolate\ Doom.app -bash: ./Chocolate Doom.app: is a directory
  7. This is correct. I can right click on the .wad file sitting on my desktop and open it in either ChocolateDoom and GZDoom, but cannot do it from Eureka despite setting the correct path for the app. I wonder if it isn’t a weird OSX permissions issue.
  8. What happens is the same thing that I described in the OP: I get "Result Code: 32512" and literally nothing else happens. More Detail: - I have told Eureka which application to use in File -> Manage Project. - I've tried using both GZdoom and Chocolate Doom. - I save the project. - I hit Command + T / Tools -> Test in Game. - The Log in the grey information bar on top shows "Testing Map" for a split second before showing "Result Code: 32512" if I set Chocolate Doom or "Result Code: 32256" if I set the app to GZDoom. - And that's it. I'm still in editing mode.
  9. Thank you for answering, but unfortunately, it still doesn't work. I guess I'll just have to test my map the hard way.
  10. So just as the title states. I have the latest versions of Eureka and Chocolate Doom and GZDoom but whenever I click on Test in Game, nothing happens. I first tried with Chocolate Doom, but nothing, and then I tried GZDoom, still nothing. I erased the path in the misc.cfg file each time I changed source ports so Eureka would allow me to choose again. Here are the "Result codes" I get everytime: CD: 32512 GZ: 32256 EDIT: I am running Monterey (MacOS 12.0.1) on the last Intel Mac Mini (2018 model). EDIT 2: So I can right click on the wad file and force it to open like that, so there is a way to test the map....
  11. Never really on Doom. Well mayyyybeeee I remember it slowing down in a crazy part of Doom2… but I can’t say for sure. I have had frame drops on Quake. Nothing that lasts for long and it’s nothing I can reproduce. It’s also kind of random when it happens (ie: I’ll get smooth 60 fps when circle strafing and lobbing grenades at a group of monsters, but it’ll dip when I go down an empty stairwell).
  12. I have it on Switch and it's absolutely worth buying. A fantastic remaster that goes above and beyond what 'normal' re-releases get, but still remaining faithful.
  13. Would Nuts ever be able to make the list? I know it’s a joke ROM, but it IS a very famous one…
  14. The size is buried in this thread, but Vic says it here: The original Doom wad was 24megabits, but this uses the maximum rom size that a Genesis/32x can see without bankswitching.
  15. Look on the back cover: it advertises the game using a 32 megabit (4 megabyte) rom. Your Doom 32x cover says it uses a 24 megabit rom on the back cover which is not what resurrection uses.
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