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About SFFlowerBoy

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  1. Yeah I heard as much. I find it weird that there is no official port of the pc engine game for modern Plattforms besides the requiem port exclusive to ps4.
  2. Been playing a bit of the castlevania advance collection, mainly Dracula X. It is my first classicvania type game so I am getting my ass beaten. I also played a lot of sifu recently. Try to play every stage without dying.
  3. Currently I am playing rekkr in its entirety. Really cool game. I hope we see more from revea and the others.
  4. To the first question not really. Played it for the first time in 2020. Was way to young to play it when it released in 2004. I played the classic version on pc with the dhewm3 source port with eax enabled. I am still impressed by the lightning in this. The game really holds. I like in particular the interactible screens, the only games where I saw that a imsims like prey(2017).
  5. Been playing doom 3 again. Honestly I like more on my second playthrough than the first. Really good game even if the shotguns spread hurts my soul.
  6. I am in a serious sam craze lately. Finished Siberian mayhem and had the urge to play all games again on hard. First encounter I dreaded because of how unforgiving the game can be. I beat it on hard and while I enjoyed the experience, I was mostly looking forward to play second encounter. I just played the first level and maaan there so many quality of life improvements that make it better than tfe in my opinion. Anyone played serious Sam 2? I heard mixed things so I dont know If I should play it next after TSE.
  7. White Hell. A Retro fps set in an apocalyptic Finnland where Neo-Nazis and Communists took over and you have to face them. Exceptional level design and Enemy design. Can't wait for the remaining levels, when it's out of early access.
  8. I am playing blood: fresh supply again. In my opinion one of the best fps games ever made. It's on the same place as blood for me personally. Good the death screams of the cultist are so satisfying
  9. I tried to play around in doombuilder but I take longer than I imagined to make a level that I am satisfied with. I think I would more efficiently in an community setting.
  10. me to. any one willing to host such a project
  11. I don't like nintendo games, doesn't mean that I think they are bad or anything like that, but I don't see why people are so captivated by so many franchises that are Nintendo related. Maybe I had to be there to get it.
  12. I got you in my sights 🌚. Jk understandable opinions
  13. I tried, but never got far into it. I Should play it again when I get to it.
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